Orange County NC Website
INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOMPLE r l NG PE T I T I ON- <br /> 1_ Complete Information Section <br /> 2_ Warr y Contact Person (This person serves as spok-esperson for petliomr(s)) 9 <br /> 3. Attach two (2) copies of mw- rded subdivision plat or prnperty des, Whkh refer to candidate road_ <br /> 4. AdJoilning property own arOor the develops, May jjubmd a pe�lon. Subdiwision roads with prior <br /> NCDOT rie+riew and oppmal only requrre the developer's Sig nature- <br /> 5- tf submitted by the developer, encroaohi errt agreements from all ufiiifies located wgthin the right of <br /> war shall he submitted with the petition for Road addition. However. corti�tfUdiOn ptarlr, May not be <br /> feqWred at this timw <br /> . $r,brinil to V+stricl E n ine0s Office. <br /> FOR NCDOT USI=- ONE Y= Ptea5e Chuck the appropriate black <br /> ❑ Ku fal Road ❑ !� ubdivlsx3il platted prior La CMubur 1. 11375 N Subd IML%inn paste¢after Septerrrber 30, 197t <br /> REQUIREMENTS fOR AUDMON <br /> If this read meeb. the requirements necessary For addition, we agree to grant the Departrnent <br /> of Transportation a night—of—way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum <br /> construction standards of the NCDOT_ The right-of-way will extend the entire length of the <br /> road that is requestrbri to be added to tW state maintained system and wil I include the <br /> necessary areas outside of the right•or-way for nut and fill slams and drainage. Also, we <br /> agree to dedicate add rig#it-of-way at intersections for sight distance and design <br /> purposres and execute said right-at-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by <br /> representatives of the NC DOT_ The right-of-war shall be cleared at no expense to the <br /> N DOT, which includes the removal of utilitieas, fenGes, other obstructions, etc. <br /> General statute 1 M-7 V? .E} staffs that any subdivision recorded oil or after October 1, 1975, <br /> must be built in accordance with N ODOT standards in order to bp eli g ih le for r-ldd ition to the <br /> Slate road System. <br /> RX" NAME HOMES LENGTH ROAD NAME HOMES LENGTH <br /> Oak CTest Drive w 7 0_70 <br /> Ridgcview Lark 0.10 <br /> CecW Runt L 1*- (111.07 <br /> k � <br /> F nrm 1Id 9 f'i ANWi Iiwu IrAIIfl% <br />