Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> County new capital projects to include solar <br /> • For example, the new Detention Center, Environmental and Agricultural Center, <br /> and accompanying maintenance building are all slated to have sizeable solar <br /> generating systems. <br /> Battery storage <br /> • County staff is tracking the technological advances and benefits of battery <br /> storage. <br /> • 1 believe we need to do a pilot project asap and will look for ways to advance this. <br /> Settlers Pointe commercial development <br /> • Local developer Jim Parker of Summit Engineering agreed to my request that all <br /> companies choosing to locate in the development will be required to have a <br /> cost/benefit analysis done by a solar installer prior to construction. <br /> Solar water heating <br /> • Currently in the list of options for the County's new Detention Center and <br /> Agriculture & Parks facility. <br /> • The County is looking into the feasibility of solar water heating at 24-hour <br /> occupied fire stations. <br /> No-idling initiative <br /> • A campaign to educate drivers that, if they will be stopped for more than seven <br /> seconds, it is cost-effective to turn off their engines. This is currently being <br /> discussed by our Commission on the Environment, with a focus on school drop- <br /> off and pick-up times. It should be expanded to reach drivers at all drive-thrus in <br /> the County. <br />