Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 3. Term. The term of this agreement (the "Initial Term") is three (3) years, beginning on the <br /> Effective Date. This agreement shall be automatically renewed for one additional five (5) year <br /> period (the "Renewal Term"), unless Provider or County provides notice of intention not to renew <br /> not less than sixty(60) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or any Renewal Term. <br /> 4. Rent. Both parties agree that the deployment of fixed wireless internet is an economic <br /> development benefit to the community to retain and attract jobs, helps close the `homework gap' <br /> for local residents with children desiring affordable home broadband internet, and will result in <br /> new property tax collections for the county/town. <br /> It is understood that tower space is a requirement in order for Provider to provide high- speed <br /> internet service to the community. In return for Provider making a private investment in equipment <br /> in Orange County in furtherance of an agreement between the parties to provide Broadband <br /> Service to Unserved Areas, the County agrees to make a non-monetary contribution to this <br /> investment by providing Tower space to Provider at no charge. This is a valuable consideration, <br /> and is valid only as long as Provider has made the equipment investment and is providing high- <br /> speed internet service in the community. <br /> Initial Tower Locations: <br /> -Orange County EOC, 510 Meadowlands Dr., Hillsborough, NC 2 72 78 (tower location, <br /> details in Attachment 1) <br /> 5. Title and Quiet Possession. The County represents and agrees (a) that it is the owner of the sites, <br /> (b) that it has the right to enter into this agreement, (c) that the person signing this agreement has <br /> the authority to sign, (d) that Provider is entitled to access the sites on either an escorted basis, or <br /> independent basis, as determined by the County. Access includes inside any security fence or area <br /> throughout the terms of the agreement so long as Provider is not in default of this agreement. <br /> 6. Installation. In no event shall Provider pierce or drill into the exterior of a water tower. Provider <br /> agrees that it will provide the County a written proposal addressing the installation of antenna and <br /> that such proposal shall be approved by the County and their representative prior to installation. <br /> Each approved proposal will be added as an Attachment to this Tower Antenna Agreement. <br /> 7. Interference. Provider will resolve any technical problems with other equipment located at the <br /> sites on the installation date. <br /> 8. Maintenance of Area. Provider shall make no alterations to the tower or related facilities which <br /> will compromise or impair the integrity of the structure. Provider shall exercise special precaution <br /> to avoid damaging the facilities of the County, and Provider hereby assumes all responsibility for <br /> any and all loss or such damage created by Provider, its employees or agents. Provider agrees to <br /> make an immediate report to the County of any installation and maintenance of Provider's <br /> facilities. General tower maintenance (painting, etc.) is the responsibility of the County. The <br /> County shall not move, disconnect or adjust, in any way, Provider's equipment without giving <br /> reasonable opportunity for the supervision of a Provider representative on site. Provider <br /> acknowledges and agrees that it shall be responsible for moving or protecting its equipment <br /> during any repairs or renovations to the tower and the County shall incur no liability to Provider <br /> for any injury, expense, or claim incurred by Provider during any such repair or renovation. <br /> OC Tower Agreement 1.0 <br />