Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses 28 <br /> Section 5.8: Standards for Childcare&Educational Facilities <br /> (iv) Provide barriers or fencing, and signage at the edge of habitat <br /> buffers to prohibit vehicular and pedestrian access. Limited <br /> access may be allowed if proposed in a sensitive manner for <br /> environmental education purposes. <br /> (d) Landscaping and Buffers <br /> (i) Protection of Existing Vegetation <br /> a. Existing vegetation shall be preserved as indicated on <br /> the approved landscape plan in accordance with the <br /> provisions of Section 6.8 of this Ordinance; <br /> b. Tree protection measures shall be installed and <br /> maintained between all areas of disturbance and trees to <br /> be retained as shown on the approved landscape plan. <br /> A detail of the tree protection barrier proposed shall be <br /> included as part of the landscape plan submitted with the <br /> application; <br /> C. Corridors connecting habitats identified in the biological <br /> inventory shall be preserved along streams, buffers, or <br /> other wooded areas. If destroyed during construction, <br /> such connections shall be restored using appropriate <br /> plant materials; <br /> d. Trees and stumps cleared for roads and building <br /> construction shall either be used for timber purposes or <br /> shredded for landscape mulch, composted, buried or <br /> otherwise disposed of BUT NOT BURNED. <br /> (ii) Berms, fences and landscaping walls may be used with plant <br /> materials for screening, provided such features are designed and <br /> located in harmony with other site features and functions; <br /> (iii) To minimize visual impact by blending architecture into the <br /> surrounding landscape, foundation plantings are required at all <br /> freestanding entrance signs; <br /> (iv) Use of xeriscaping principles. <br /> (e) Stormwater Management <br /> (i) A stormwater management plan shall be prepared and reviewed <br /> in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.14 of this <br /> Ordinance. <br /> (f) Drainage <br /> (i) All drainage structures will be installed and maintained according <br /> to the approved Stormwater Management Plan. <br /> (ii) School projects that include StFUGWral ster,nwater <br /> rn easy esstormwater control measures (SCMs) shall comply with <br /> Section 6.14 of this Ordinance. <br /> (g) Grading and Erosion Control <br /> (i) Plans for grading and erosion control shall comply with <br /> standards contained in this Ordinance, the Orange County <br /> Erosion and Sediment Control Manual, and, if applicable, The <br /> North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program <br /> rules; <br /> (ii) Construction shall be phased to minimize disturbance and <br /> sedimentation; <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-83 <br />