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2 <br /> Analysis: As required under Section 2.8.5 of the UDO, the Planning Director is required to: `... <br /> cause an analysis to be made of the application and, based upon that analysis, prepare a <br /> recommendation for consideration by the Planning Board and the Board of County <br /> Commissioners'. <br /> The amendments are necessary to bring the UDO into alignment with current DEQ regulatory <br /> requirements related to the implementation/enforcement of nutrient reduction strategies within <br /> the Basin. As previously indicated the County no longer has the legal authority to implement <br /> and enforce same. This amendment does not impact the enforcement of nutrient reduction <br /> strategies within the Neuse River Basin or impact the enforcement of water quantity standards <br /> (i.e. how much water is leaving a parcel) throughout the county. <br /> A copy of the proposed text amendment in contained within Attachment 4. <br /> Planning Director Recommendation: The Planning Director recommends approval of the <br /> Statement of Consistency, as contained in Attachment 3, and the UDO Text Amendment, as <br /> contained within Attachment 4. <br /> Planning Board Recommendation: At its January 2, 2019 meeting, the Planning Board voted 9 <br /> to 2 recommending approval of the Statement of Consistency and the UDO amendment <br /> package. Those recommending against adopting the amendment indicated concern that the <br /> State was taking too long to address this issue and felt obligated to register their concerns. <br /> An excerpt of the approved minutes from the January 2, 2019 meeting, as well as the Planning <br /> Board's approved Statement of Consistency, are contained within Attachment 2. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goal is applicable to <br /> this item: <br /> • GOAL: ESTABLISH SUSTAINABLE AND EQUITABLE LAND-USE AND <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES <br /> The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of people of all races, cultures, incomes <br /> and educational levels with respect to the development and enforcement of <br /> environmental laws, regulations, policies, and decisions. Fair treatment means that no <br /> group of people should bear a disproportionate share of the negative environmental <br /> consequences resulting from industrial, governmental and commercial operations or <br /> policies. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: Consideration and approval will not create the need for additional funding <br /> for the provision of County services. Costs for the required legal advertisement for the text <br /> amendment will be paid from FY2018-19 Departmental funds budgeted for this purpose. <br /> Existing Planning staff included in the Departmental staffing budget will accomplish the work <br /> required to process these amendments. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br /> 1. Receive the proposed amendments to the UDO as detailed in this abstract and <br /> attachments; <br /> 2. Conduct the public hearing and accept comment on the proposed amendments; <br />