Orange County NC Website
Article 1: Administration 17 <br /> Section 1.1: General Provisions <br /> (E) Town of Carrboro Land Development Standards: The regulations governing the use of <br /> land and structures as contained in the Town of Carrboro Land Use Ordinance are <br /> hereby adopted by reference as fully as though set forth herein. The regulations shall be <br /> applicable to that portion of the Transition Area located within the Carrboro Joint <br /> Development Review Area as prescribed in the adopted Joint Planning Area Land Use <br /> Plan and the adopted Joint Planning Area Land Use Map. <br /> (F) The Jordan Water Supply Nutrient Strategy Rules and riparian buffer protection rules <br /> (Jordan Lake Rules)of 15A NCAC 02B .0265, .0267 and .0268, SeGtien (d) of Sessi„n <br /> Law 2009_216 and Section F; /o\ of Session Law 2009_216 <br /> Session Law 2009_484 'apply to all lands within the Jordan Lake Watershed portion of <br /> Orange County. Wherever standards of the Jordan Lake Rules and the standards listed <br /> in this ordinance differ, the more restrictive provisions shall apply. <br /> (G) The Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy rules and the <br /> riparian buffer protection rules (Neuse Rules)of 15ANCAC 02B .0235, .0240, .0233, <br /> .0241, and .0242 apply to all lands within the Neuse River Basin portion of Orange <br /> County. Wherever standards of the Neuse Rules and the standards listed in this <br /> ordinance differ, the more restrictive provisions shall apply. <br /> (H) The Falls Reservoir Water Supply Nutrient Strategy: Stormwater Management for New <br /> Development Rule of 15A NCAC 02B .0277 applies to all lands within the Falls Lake <br /> Watershed portion of Orange County, except where standards in this Ordinance are more <br /> restrictive. <br /> The Jordan Water Supply Nutrient Strategy: Stormwater Management for New <br /> Deyelepmen+ Rule of 15A NGAG 02B 0265 applies +o all land ,.,i+h.n +ho 1orr-an I elks <br /> Watershed pe-die-n- ef Orange Geunty, eXGept where standards in this OrdinanGe are more <br /> roc+rin+iao 2 <br /> ,me. <br /> 1.1.10 Coordination with Other Regulations <br /> All references contained within the Ordinance to other municipal, county, state, or federal <br /> regulations are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a complete list of such <br /> regulations. These references do not imply that the county is responsible for enforcing municipal, <br /> state, or federal regulations. <br /> 1.1.11 Delegation of Authority <br /> Provisions of this Ordinance requiring an officer, employee, board or commission to perform an <br /> act or duty, shall be interpreted as authorizing the referenced officer, employee, board or <br /> commission to delegate that responsibility to others over whom they have authority. <br /> 1.1.12 Headings and Illustrations <br /> Headings and illustrations contained herein are provided for convenience and reference only and <br /> do not define or limit the scope of any provision of this Ordinance. In case of any difference of <br /> meaning or implication between the text of this Ordinance and any heading, drawing, table, <br /> figure, or illustration, the text controls. <br /> 1 In 2009 the State of North Carolina enacted nutrient regulations within the Jordan Lake River Basin. The purpose <br /> of these regulations was to require nutrient reduction (i.e. phosphorous and nitrogen)as part of development <br /> projects requiring a stormwater permit. Ultimately the program was designed to address the impairment of <br /> Jordan Lake. Session Law(s) 2015-246 and 2016-94 effectively delayed the implementation of these nutrient <br /> reduction standards for parcels within the Cape Fear River Basin to allow State staff to study the issue in greater <br /> detail. As a result staff is amending the UDO to eliminate references to our ability to enforce said standards. <br /> z Specific language removed due to the delay in the authorization to implement and enforce nutrient regulations <br /> within the Cape Fear River Basin, commonly referred to as the 'Jordan Lake Rules'. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina-Unified Development Ordinance Page 1-4 <br />