Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH <br /> PROCLAMATION <br /> WHEREAS, women of every culture, class, and ethnic background have made historic <br /> contributions to the growth and strength of our Nation in countless recorded and unrecorded <br /> ways; and <br /> WHEREAS, women have driven humanity toward a path of a more equal and just society, <br /> contributing in innumerable ways to our Nations character and progress as a people; and <br /> WHEREAS, in the face of discrimination and undue hardship, women have never given up <br /> on the promise of America that with hard work and determination nothing is out of their reach <br /> even though for so long women were formally excluded from full participation in our society and <br /> democracy; and <br /> WHEREAS, women not only led the movement to secure their own rights of suffrage and <br /> equal opportunity, but also were leaders in the abolitionist movement, the emancipation <br /> movement, the industrial labor movement, the civil rights movement, and especially the peace <br /> movement, all movements to create a fairer, more inclusive and progressive society; and <br /> WHEREAS, because of the courage of so many bold women who dared to transcend <br /> preconceived expectations and prove they were capable of doing all that a man could do and <br /> more, advances were made, discoveries revealed, barriers were broken and progress <br /> triumphed; and <br /> WHEREAS, women have made great progress toward achieving gender equality but <br /> much work needs to done while women still earn, on average, less for every dollar earned by a <br /> man, are underrepresented in fields of science, technology, engineering and math, and face <br /> wider opportunity gaps and structural barriers to achieving success; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina <br /> do hereby proclaim March 2019 as "Women's History Month" and commend this observance <br /> to Orange County residents and call upon Orange County residents to celebrate International <br /> Women's Day on March 8, 2019, with appropriate programs, celebrations and activities. <br /> THIS THE 7rh DAY OF MARCH, 2019. <br /> Penny Rich, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />