Orange County NC Website
11. *Appointments <br /> a. Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee—Appointments <br /> b. Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee—Appointments <br /> c. Orange County Planning Board—Appointments <br /> 12. Information Items <br /> • February 19, 2019 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List <br /> • Tax Collector's Report—Numerical Analysis <br /> • Tax Collector's Report—Measure of Enforced Collections <br /> • Tax Assessor's Report—Releases/Refunds under$100 <br /> 13. Closed Session <br /> "Pursuant to G.S. § 143-318.11(a)(3) "to consult with an attorney retained by the Board in order to <br /> preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the Board." <br /> 14. Adjournment <br /> Note: Access the agenda through the County's web site, <br /> *Subject to Being Moved to Earlier in the Meeting if Necessary <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners' regular meetings and work sessions are available via live streaming <br /> video at and Orange County Gov-TV on channels 1301 or 97.6 <br /> (Spectrum Cable). <br />