Orange County NC Website
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6 <br /> [Departmental Use Only] <br /> TITLE <br /> FY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> TOWER ANTENNA AGREEMENT <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> This Tower Antenna Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement"), made and entered into this <br /> seventh day of March, 2019, ("Effective Date") by and between Orange County, North Carolina a <br /> political subdivision of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter, the "County") and Open <br /> Broadband, LLC, organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter, <br /> the "Provider"). <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> The term "Tower" is defined as a structure that may stand apart from or be attached to another <br /> building or structure. Examples include radio towers, cell towers, television towers, building <br /> rooftops, and water towers. <br /> WHEREAS, the County owns towers suitable for placement of fixed-wireless antennas to provide <br /> high-speed internet service; and <br /> WHEREAS, Provider desired to install, remove, replace, maintain, and operate at its expense, a <br /> wireless broadband service system facility, including mounting antennas on the towers and a <br /> weather utility service box approximately 2' x 3' to house the communications service system <br /> fixtures and equipment (or equivalent space provided by County), and necessary appurtenances; <br /> and in consideration of the provisions, terms, conditions and covenants contained herein, the <br /> County and Provider do mutually covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Antenna Space and Cabling. County hereby agrees to provide space on its towers for fixed <br /> wireless antennas and mounts at locations to be selected by Provider so long as they do not cause <br /> issues with tower loading or wind shear, and do not interfere with the openings to the tower, <br /> ladders, braces, paint removal, or painting of the tower and is in full compliance with all state <br /> and/or federals laws or the rules and regulations of any agency or instrumentality thereof. As <br /> required, County also agrees to allow Provider to attach outdoor Ethernet cable to the tower to <br /> connect the antennas to electronics located at or near the tower. Provider is responsible for all <br /> installation and maintenance costs of their equipment, and will work in good faith with the <br /> County for agreeable placement locations and design. <br /> 2. Electronics and Power. County hereby grants access to Provider to place electronics at a suitable <br /> location near the tower. This may be an outdoor utility box (purchased, installed, and mainttained <br /> by Provider), or a small amount of rack space in an existing room owned by the County. County <br /> will either provide a 120-volt AC power socket for the minimal power draw of the antennas, or <br /> allow Provider to install a small solar panel and batteries to supply power. There is not an <br /> additional fee for the use of the power. Power consumption will be minimal with use in the range <br /> of 1-2 amps. <br /> OC Tower Agreement 1.0 <br />