Orange County NC Website
~o <br />will be submitted the Orange County ERCD for review and comment no later than January 21, <br />2005. Four (4) copies of the final corrected report will be submitted to the client (Orange County <br />ERCD) no later than January 28, 2005. <br />UNIQUE QUALIFICATIONS OF TEA{ill jV1EIUIBERS <br />ESI maintains amulti-disciplinary staff of professionals experienced in conducting the full range <br />of studies required to plan, permit, and implement successful projects.. ESI currently has a staff <br />of over 20 archaeologists, historians, and cultural resource professionals that can provide <br />expertise related to historical research, GIS, and other specializations on an as-needed basis.. <br />The ESI cultural resource assessment team is supervised by an experienced, technically skilled <br />group of archaeologists. ESI senior archaeologists are professionally qualified according to the <br />standards of the Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA), which assures that they are <br />held to the highest level of responsibility and expertise. They have worked within the region for <br />many years and have developed professional reputations with local, state and federal agencies. <br />Key ESI personnel who will be involved with this project include: <br />SCOTT SEIBEL, iV1.S., RPA <br />SENIOR ARCHAEOLOGIST <br />Mr. Seibel is a Registered Professional Archaeologist with over seven years experience in <br />cultural resource management and academic archaeology in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, <br />and Texas. As Senior Archaeologist, Mr. Seibel directs archaeological field crews, laboratory <br />staff, and research staff, in addition to the authoring of final reports. He is experienced with all <br />phases of cultural resource assessment and management including NEPA documentation, <br />historic and archival background research, and coordination with regulatory agencies. Mr. <br />Seibel is experienced in both prehistoric and historic archaeology. <br />TERRI RUSS, IN.A., RPA PROJECT ARCHAEOLOGIST <br />Ms Russ is a North Carolina archaeologist with over seven years experience in cultural <br />resource management and academic archaeology, and is a Registered Professional <br />Archaeologist (RPA).. Previous cultural resource management projects include numerous <br />archaeological surveys, significance testing, and site mitigations for clients such as the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation, the U,S. Department of Defense, and the U.S. Army <br />Corps of Engineers (COE) as well as various private companies, Ms. Russ is experienced in <br />both prehistoric and historic archaeology. <br />SPECIFIC PROJECT EXPEE~6E~lCE <br />ESI has extensive experience with archaeological survey and reporting in North Carolina. The <br />following projects are representative of ESI's experience in both urban and rural contexts, <br />E N V I R O N M E N T A L S E R V I C E 5, I N C <br />FAIRVIEW PARK- CULTURAL & ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY- SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />5 <br />