Orange County NC Website
iq <br />Section A. Reporting of Results <br />Time-and-Materials, Upset Limit $1352.00 <br />Progress Reports <br />Throughout the duration of the project, ESI shall provide regular verbal progress reports to the <br />Orange County Environment and Resource Conservation Department (ERCD).. <br />Preliminary Field Report <br />By December 17, 2004, a brief report of the results of field investigations will be submitted to the <br />Orange County ERCD.. This report will include a summary of recorded sites, including numbers, <br />types, and significance of archaeological resources encountered during fieldwork, a brief <br />description of field methods, and a copy of field maps indicating the locations of areas surveyed, <br />subsurface tests, and recorded sites. A summary of preliminary recommendations as well as an <br />expected draft final report submission date will also be provided at this time,. In addition to a <br />preliminary field report, a brief account of findings to date will be presented to the Orange <br />County and Tawn of Hillsborough Fairview Park planning staff. <br />Final Report <br />Following completion of the analysis, a report will be prepared detailing the results of the cultural <br />resources survey. The report will include assessments of site significance and <br />recommendations far mitigation, if necessary, field maps delineating the subsurface test grid <br />and locatians of all archaeological sites, photographs of each recorded site, and one copy of the <br />North Carolina Archaeological Site Form far each archaeological site recorded during the field <br />investigation. <br />The report will follow the standards of the Department of the Interior and the OSA's Guidelines <br />for the Preparation of Reports of Archaeological Surveys and Evaluations., Two copies of a draft <br />of the final report will be submitted to the Orange County ERCD for review and comment no Tess <br />than one week (seven days) before the termination date of the contract (January 28, 2005). <br />Four copies of the revised final report will be submitted to the Orange County ERCD by January <br />28, 2005. <br />A®Dll"9®~lAL ~lfOF2@< <br />ESI can perform additional services not scoped herein, if necessary, on a time and materials, <br />not to exceed basis. <br />PROPOSE® TI~I~LI~I~ <br />ESI proposes to begin work an the project within three business days of receipt of Notice to <br />Proceed.. A preliminary field report will be submitted to the Orange County ERCD following <br />completion of the field investigations by December 17, 2004. Two (2) copies of the draft report <br />E N V I R O N M E N T A L S E R V I C E S, I N C <br />FAIRVIEW PARK -CULTURAL & ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY- SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />4 <br />