Orange County NC Website
i~ <br />The final report generated as a result of this research and consultation will include an overview <br />of the prehistory and history of the project area, set within the context of Orange County and the <br />Southeast, The report will follow the format established by the North Carolina Office of State <br />Archaeology's Guidelines for Preparation of Archaeological Survey Reports. <br />Section B. Limited Surface and Possible Subsurface Investigation in Potential <br />Construction Areas <br />Time-and-Materials, Upset Limit $1,429.50 <br />A cultural resources survey involves the systematic investigation of a project area to determine <br />the number and type of cultural resources located within the project's boundaries. <br />The field investigations will cover Area 1 (approximately 17 acres) and Area 2 (approximately 2 <br />acres). Surface inspection of the area for historic and prehistoric artifacts, historic foundation <br />remnants, or other remains will be undertaken. Subsurface testing in the form of shovel tests <br />will conducted across the project area. Shovel tests will measure a minimum of 30 centimeters <br />in diameter and will be excavated at 30- and 15-meter intervals or judgmentally, as necessary. <br />Shovel tests will be dug to the subsoil, All excavated sediments will be screened through 6.35 <br />mm (1/4") steel mesh mounted upon portable shaker stands, It is estimated that the excavation <br />of approximately 75 shovel tests will be necessary to identify and assess all archaeological sites <br />located in the project area. <br />Standard recording measures will be used to document archaeological sites and features, <br />including maps and photographs.. Site boundaries will be based on negative shovel tests and/or <br />the distribution of surface artifacts and will be described in the report. The total number of <br />excavated tests will be stated in the report. All sites will be marked with flagging tape to <br />facilitate relocation. <br />Upon completion of the field investigations, all artifacts will be washed and analyzed according <br />to accepted typologies, whenever possible, Material recovered during the survey will be held <br />temporarily at ESI's Raleigh office until completion of the project., Following project completion, <br />all generated documents and paperwork as well as all recovered artifacts will be curated with <br />the OSA. <br />Section C. Field Reconnaissance for Remainder of the Park Property <br />Time-and-Materials, Upset Limit $364.00 <br />ESI will conduct a limited field reconnaissance of the remainder of the park property where no <br />construction is planned (Area 3, approximately 12 acres). ESI will document any sites recorded <br />during the field reconnaissance, and identify any areas that appear worthy of further <br />investigation. ESI will then issue recommendations on the need for further subsurface <br />investigations, and evaluate the archaeological significance of any sites recorded during these <br />limited field investigations. <br />E N V I R O N M E N T A L S E R V I C E S, I N C <br />FAIRVIEW PARK -CULTURAL & ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY -SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />3 <br />