Agenda - 12-06-2004-5i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-06-2004
Agenda - 12-06-2004-5i
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9/1/2008 10:30:27 PM
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8/29/2008 10:26:37 AM
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2004 S Health - Active Seniors Project Agreement with TJCOG
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
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<br />2. Statement of Need <br />Seniors are one of the fastest growing populations in Orange County and are at greater <br />risk for chronic diseases. Physical activity is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle. The <br />Division of Aging and Adult Services, - NC Departrnent of Health and Human Services, <br />recognizes this and, has identified health/welhress and fitness as a component of a new <br />senior-friendly commwrity initiative. Orange County is in the early stages of plamring a <br />senior center to be located at the Southern Human Services Center Complex in Chapel <br />Hill that is near Homestead Community Park, a community park with walking paths. In <br />recent completed surveys (117) and public forums attended by approximately 150 older <br />adults regazding construction of a new senior center in Orange County, older adults <br />advocated for more outdoor activities i,e. walking paths, tennis courts, and gazdening, <br />Survey respondents ranked the ideas of fitness and wellness as number 1 and number 3 <br />out of a possible top ten priorities for the new senior center.. While walking is not the only <br />path to address the need and desire for outdoor fitness, it is certainly recognized by a <br />growing number of seniors and many health care professionals as one of the best forms of <br />daily exercise. <br />Currently there are a number of'obstacles that inhibit safe travel to the park and local <br />businesses. They include safely crossing Homestead Road to get to the park (with hazards <br />including speeding high-school students coming from Chapel Hill High off' Seawell <br />School Rd) and finding a continuous linked pedestrian network to walk along.. At a <br />number of points, the sidewalk dead ends abruptly as it passes from one development to <br />another in the area around the park. By advocating for changes to improve the walkability <br />of the area, the Active Seniors Project could potentially benefit seniors, employees of the <br />Southern Human Services Complex, residents of the Brookstone apartments and other <br />community members. <br />3. Collaboration and Capacity <br />The project will bring together public health educators fiom the Orange County Health <br />Department, senior services professionals from the Orange County Depaztment on Aging <br />and the Triangle .1 Area Agency on Aging, local senior advocates wlro are helping to plan <br />the design for the new senior center, and land use plamrers from the Triangle Council of <br />Governments. In so doing, the resulting Active Seniors Project Team will have a greater <br />opportunity to promote physical activity in the neighborhood surrounding the planned <br />new Senior Center located on Homestead Road.. Members from the Project Team will <br />solicit input from their respective constituencies as the project progresses. Other key <br />community leaders who will share in the planning of this project are the OC Advisory <br />Board on Aging, and the Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Commission.. The project <br />team will work with existing local entities to gather the necessary information prior to <br />formulating a pedestrian and bike assessment training tool and administer that to the <br />surrounding community.. <br />
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