Agenda - 12-06-2004-5i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-06-2004
Agenda - 12-06-2004-5i
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9/1/2008 10:30:27 PM
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8/29/2008 10:26:37 AM
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2004 S Health - Active Seniors Project Agreement with TJCOG
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
Minutes - 20041206
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2004
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4 <br />• Compile and analyze the results of the conununity assessments, develop a <br />report, and distribute to Project Team members by Apri12005, <br />• Participate with the Project Team in formulating recommendations and <br />preparing the final report, including graphics and layout of the final report by <br />April, 2005. <br />• Create draft of trail map and produce a final trail map for publication by May <br />2005. <br />• Participate in the creation of the Active Seniors Project Toolkit by .Tune, 2005. <br />2. T.1COG will expend the grant funds as agreed on the following items: <br />• $15,860 for technical support of the Land Use Planning Manager <br />• $100 for GIS analysis map plots <br />• $250 for GIS trail map plots, framed trail reference maps and handout maps <br />• $180 for travel 480 miles X $0..375/mile <br />• $50 for research documents <br />• $100 for the production of CDs for the project tool kits <br />3, TJCOG will expend funds by Apri130, 2005. <br />4, T.1COG will submit a project report by December 31, 2004 and March 31, 2005 that <br />includes progress on activities to date and total expenditures to date by line item. <br />TJCOG will submit an end of project report by June 30, 2005. The final report will <br />include a program activity report and a final expenditure statement, Copies of <br />receipts for materials purchased will be included in the final report. <br />6, TJCOG will submit an invoice for the full agreement amount no later than April 30, <br />2005. <br />7. OCHD agrees to provide financial support to the T.1COG in an amount not to exceed <br />$16,540 for the Active Seniors Project, payable within thirty (.30) days of OCHD's <br />receipt of an invoice. <br />8, This Agreement shall become effective on November 1, 2004 and continue in effect <br />through June 30, 2005. <br />9. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and shall not be <br />altered, arnended or modified, except by an agreement in writing, executed by the <br />duly authorized officials ofboth parties. <br />10, The laws of the State of North Carolina shall govern the validity and interpretation of <br />the provisions, terms, and conditions of this Agreement. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto signed this Agreement in their <br />official capacities on the day and year listed below. <br />
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