Orange County NC Website
~o <br />Once the project assessment is completed, findings and recommendations will be <br />formulated and presented to the key stakeholders and decision makers in the community, <br />including the Senior Center Design Committee, OC Department on Aging Advisory <br />Board, City and County Land Use Planners, Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation <br />Commission, Chapel Hill Town Board, Orange County Board of Commissioners, etc. <br />The recommendations identified in the project will also be placed on electronic venues <br />for the public.. It is the project team's plan that the findings in this assessment will <br />influence the municipal and county decision makers to find a way to implement the <br />recommendations identified in the project. <br />A toolkit will be developed to inform other communities of this effective way of drawing <br />together collaborative agencies and constituents to better address barriers to fitness <br />proximate to community facilities, including a senior center. <br />In conclusion, this project will create a dynamic interdisciplinary partnership of aging <br />service providers, public health professionals, and land use planners that is uniquely <br />qualified to respond to the challenge of promoting greater activity for older adults. In the <br />process, it will improve the pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure for everyone in the <br />community. <br />