<br /> appropriation, $128,199 remains available in Social Justice Reserve funds for FY 2018-
<br /> 19. This budget amendment provides for the use of available Social Justice Reserve
<br /> funds of $100,000 for the above stated purpose. (See Attachment 1, column 8)
<br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goals are
<br /> applicable to this item:
<br /> The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race or
<br /> color; religious or philosophical beliefs; sex, gender or sexual orientation; national
<br /> origin or ethnic background; age; military service; disability; and familial, residential or
<br /> economic status.
<br /> The creation and preservation of infrastructure, policies, programs and funding
<br /> necessary for residents to provide shelter, food, clothing and medical care for
<br /> themselves and their dependents.
<br /> Orange County Northern Campus Capital Project
<br /> 9. At its February 5, 2019 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved an
<br /> updated scope of work and Budget Option 313 for the Orange County Northern Campus
<br /> Capital Project. The BOCC had previously appropriated $18,056,614, with another
<br /> $10,041,717 planned in FY 2019-20 of the Capital Investment Plan (CIP), for a total
<br /> project budget of $28,098,331. But, with the recently completed schematic design phase
<br /> and the updated cost estimates, the current estimated project cost is $41,366,606.
<br /> Budget Option 3B included Cost Reduction Strategies related to Value Engineering and
<br /> Project Scope, which decreases the project cost by $1,161,000, for a total estimated
<br /> project cost of $40,205,606. Other strategies in Budget Option 3B to reduce the need to
<br /> fund new monies towards the project, included the repurposing of funds from a prior Jail
<br /> project, as well as the deferment to a later date of the Southern Human Services Center
<br /> expansion and the Cedar Grove Park Phase 2 capital projects, both totaling $1,935,800.
<br /> The BOCC added back as part of the project scope, a vehicle Sallyport ($200,000) and a
<br /> Magistrate's Hearing Room ($128,000). (Note: The originally planned $10,041,717 in
<br /> the FY 2019-20 CIP for this project, as well as the use of funds from the deferment of
<br /> planned funding of $1,555,500 for the Southern Human Services Center in the FY 2019-
<br /> 20 CIP and planned funding of $1,100,000 for the Cedar Grove Park, Phase II in the FY
<br /> 2019-20 CIP, will be eliminated as they are now included in the total project costs as part
<br /> of this budget amendment). The net budgeted impact to the CIP of these changes is
<br /> $8,404,075. This budget amendment amends the Orange County Northern Campus
<br /> Capital Project to appropriate the additional costs needed for the project, and amends the
<br /> prior Jail Project for the repurposing of funds as follows:
<br /> Jail Capital Project(-$719,700) — Project# 10012
<br /> Revenues for this project:
<br /> Current FY 2018-19 FY 2018-19
<br /> FY 2018-19 Amendment Revised
<br /> Alternative Financing $600,000 ($600,000) $0
<br /> 2/3 Net Debt Bonds $600,000 $0 $600,000
<br /> From General Fund $175,000 ($119,700) $55,300
<br /> Total Project Funding $1,375,000 ($719,700) $655,300
<br />