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5 <br /> of the census committee. She said she would like more information on all of these items, and <br /> how each will move forward. <br /> Chair Rich reviewed the following information: <br /> At the Board's January 22, 2019 regular business meeting, a petition was brought forward from <br /> the public, and a petition from Commissioner McKee. <br /> 1. Review and consider request that the BOCC formally act to voice support for opening up to <br /> the public the light rail workgroup meetings and other discussions that currently exclude the <br /> public <br /> 2. Review and consider request by Commissioner McKee that the BOCC receive copies of the <br /> January 10 Transit Workgroup Meeting minutes and that minutes from future meetings be <br /> provided to Board members within 10 business days <br /> As with all petitions, the BOCC received and referred this to staff and then to agenda review <br /> with the Chair/Vice Chair/Manager/Deputy Manager/Greg Wilder/Donna Baker. It was <br /> concluded that the Chair would confer with the county attorney for legal advice on how to <br /> respond to this petition. It should also be noted that the Chair spoke with the Go Triangle <br /> attorney before crafting this response. <br /> There is no workgroup. That is a manufactured assumption. There are no minutes of the 1/10 <br /> meeting. GoTriangle staff and GoTriangle board representatives and Board Chairs from <br /> Orange and Durham counties, along with the Mayor of Durham gathered to discuss draft <br /> assumption numbers. No information had been presented at this meeting from the FTA b/c <br /> there was a shutdown and the FTA was not open. <br /> Please note that the topic of open meetings was addressed in a memo from the County <br /> Attorney on January 16, 2019. <br /> John Roberts' memo below: <br /> FROM: John Roberts, County Attorney <br /> DATE: January 16, 2019 <br /> RE: Open Meetings <br /> This memorandum is in response to a request for information on open meetings requirements <br /> by Commissioners Rich and Bedford. <br /> The starting point for this discussion is NCGS 143-318.10, which requires official meetings of <br /> public bodies be open. So unless there is a statutorily authorized reason to close a meeting, <br /> such as discussions of economic development, personnel, or privileged communications with <br /> attorneys, etc., meetings of public bodies must be open to the public. Further, if an official <br /> meeting of a public body occurs "full and accurate" minutes must also be kept of the meeting <br /> and any actions occurring at the meeting. <br /> Thus the first question to analyze is what constitutes a public body? For purposes of local <br /> government 143-318.10(b) defines public body as "any elected or appointed authority, board, <br /> commission, committee, council, or other body of the State, or of one or more counties, cities, <br /> school administrative units, constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina, or other <br /> political subdivisions or public corporations in the State that (i) is composed of two or more <br />