Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Commissioner McKee said the Board of County Commissioners put out a statement <br /> about a year ago about not committing any more funds to light rail, and he petitioned that the <br /> Board re-commit to that statement. <br /> Commissioner Price said the Ag Summit is on Monday, February 11t" <br /> Commissioner Price said that she and others attended a Stepping UP Initiative <br /> stakeholders' group in Buncombe County. She said she noticed the resources dedicated to <br /> diversionary programming, and the comprehensive and cohesive approach that Buncombe <br /> County takes. She said the group visited family justice center and the detention center, and it <br /> was concluded that prosecution and incarceration cannot solve or remedy any of the pressing <br /> social issues. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos petitioned the Planning Department to do a planning <br /> assessment of the detached section of the rural buffer in the southeast corner of the County: <br /> east of Old Lystra Road, on the edge of the Chapel Hill transition area. He said discussions <br /> about the future of this area are inevitable, and it would be helpful for the Board to know the <br /> implications of the land use in that area. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos respectfully added on to Commissioner McKee comments <br /> about LRT, and said it would be money not well spent to pay Davenport to do any economic <br /> analysis on the light rail, since the Federal Transportation Authority (FTA) has not returned a <br /> report on the risk assessment. He said there are a lot of unknowns at this point, and it would be <br /> fruitless to do such an analysis. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin suggested that the County look into creating some Orange <br /> County swag. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the General Assembly is back in session and there have <br /> already been several bills introduced that reflect priority items of the BOCC: expanding <br /> Medicaid; repealing the confederate monument protections; raising minimum wage to $15/hour; <br /> red flag laws regarding gun violence. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she attended the Legislative Breakfast on Mental Health, <br /> and it is the time to be loud about the need for the expansion of Medicaid. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said that she would like to engage Davenport, and have them on <br /> standby, as Davenport will need to time to be prepared should the County need them. She <br /> said she would like Davenport to analyze the proposed LRT cost sharing agreement that will be <br /> coming to the Board, as assumptions have changed and the Board needs factual information. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said the Board needs to understand the numbers, and Davenport <br /> may just want to be ready. She said the Board needs a comparison — like a truth in lending. <br /> She said she is very concerned about the interest rates, and the Board needs an analysis from <br /> an independent source so the Board knows exactly to what it is committed. <br /> Chair Rich said Happy Chinese New Year, noting it is the year of the pig. <br /> Chair Rich referred to the rural buffer discussion that happened at the Chapel Hill <br /> Council meeting, and agreed that it would be good for the BOCC to get some information about <br /> that southeastern corner of the County. She said would also like a bit more history on why this <br /> portion of the County is in the rural buffer and information on the sensitive stream buffers and <br /> watersheds. She said she heard that the ETJ stays the way it is as it is the open space for <br /> southern village, and she does not know if these two areas are related. She said she would <br /> also like a bit more information about typography. <br /> Chair Rich said she is glad to work with Commissioner Dorosin on the "One Orange" <br /> theme, and possibly kick off something in the spring. <br /> Chair Rich said she attended the Extension Community Association meeting on <br /> Saturday morning, and there are 80 women doing wonderful things for those in need in the <br /> community: knitting blankets, making pillows, etc. <br /> Chair Rich said she had three take-aways from Assembly of Governments (AOG) <br /> meeting: Greene Tract resolution; formation of the climate change committee; and the formation <br />