Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> • The $1.4-$1.9 billion is cumulative over 40 years and includes revenue for Durham <br /> county and Town, Orange County and Chapel Hill. <br /> • If you look at the net annual numbers, it's actually a lot lower. Orange County and <br /> Chapel Hill each might generate $5 million a year or so in new property tax revenue. <br /> As you already know, the estimates in the Guidebook include tax exempt university property <br /> and don't consider any of the infrastructure or service costs that come with the new <br /> development. It also doesn't include the costs that Chapel Hill has agreed to cover to maintain <br /> the light rail infrastructure. <br /> It's conceivable that after you net the costs and the tax exempt properties, there's no economic <br /> benefit at all for Orange County or for Chapel Hill. <br /> But please, don't believe us. Here's the analysis we did using the data from TOD the <br /> guidebook. The numbers come from Appendix G - that's around page 365. Please ask <br /> GoTriangle and their consultants to look at it and see if we're close. <br /> Also-while you're at it, please ask them whether Glen Lennox and other properties that are <br /> already under development are counted in the revenue estimates. It's important because <br /> Hamilton Road is by far the most economically beneficial station area for Orange County or <br /> Chapel Hill. The question is whether that's because of development that's already in the <br /> queue. <br /> Thank you for listening. <br /> Craig Carter said he previously asked the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) <br /> about his memorial flag, which he cannot fly due to its size. He said he has heard no response <br /> regarding this inquiry. He said he also talked about the lack of EMS services in the northern <br /> portion of the County, and the time it takes for EMS to arrive in that part of the County. He said <br /> he previously asked the Board about why an ambulance is not being stationed at the new fire <br /> department on St. Mary's Road, and has since learned that the Board did vote to station an <br /> ambulance there over a year ago, but it has yet to come to fruition. He said he was told that no <br /> one can be stationed there due to the lack of sprinkler system; however, a sprinkler system has <br /> been installed, yet no one is stationed there. He said the station is on a well, and if the power <br /> goes out, the sprinkler system will not work anyway. He said he is frustrated with the lack of <br /> resources to his portion of the County. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the <br /> agenda below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Greene said on Monday she will attend a meeting on Emerging Issues in <br /> Raleigh. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if Bonnie Hammersley would contact Davenport to get a <br /> report, prior to the February 19t" meeting, regarding the additional cost incurred with the <br /> changes to light rail (LRT) and exactly what "backstopping" means for Orange County's finances <br /> and credit rating. <br /> Commissioner McKee petitioned Bonnie Hammersley to contact the Chapel Hill <br /> Manager prior to February 19t" to ask Town staff to provide a report on Chapel Hill transit's <br /> current and future met and unmet needs. <br />