Orange County NC Website
XI. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW <br />The County of Orange shall be wholly responsible for the work to be performed under this MOA <br />and for the supervision of its employees and assistants. The County of Orange shall be <br />responsible for compliance with all laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, licensing <br />requirements and other regulatory matters that are applicable to the conduct of its business and <br />work performance under this MOA, including those of federal, State, and local agencies having <br />appropriate jurisdiction. <br />XH. WARRANTY <br />The County of Orange shall hold the Depaztment of Cfime Control and Public Safety, Division <br />of Emergency Management harmless for any liability and personal injury that may occur from or <br />in connection with the performance of this MOA to the extent permitted by the North Carolina <br />Tort Claims Act. <br />XHI. ANTITRUST LAWS <br />This Agreement is entered into in compliance with all State and Federal antitrust laws. <br />XIV. TERMINATION <br />This MOA shall be in effect from the date of execution to Novembez 30, 2005 Upon approval <br />by USDO.I, ODP and the issuance of the Grant Adjustment Notice, if this MOA is extended, the <br />tezminauon date foz the extension will be the date listed in the applicable USDOI, OTP Grant <br />Adjustment No[ice, attached and incorporated by reference herein. <br />This MOA may be terminated upon submission of a 30-day advance written notice of <br />termination. <br />If DIIS suspends or terminates funding in accordance with 28 C.P R §66.43 and Appendix A <br />of the U S Depaztment of Homeland Security, Office of Domestic Prepazedness, FY 2004 State <br />Homeland Security Gzant Program Guidelines and Application Kit (Annex C), attached and <br />incorporated by reference herein, the County of Orange shall reimburse the Division of <br />Emezgency Management foz said property.. <br />XV. EN'TIRE AGREEMENT <br />This MOA and any annexes, exhibits and amendments annexed hereto and any documents <br />incorporated specifically by reference represent the entire agreement between the patties and <br />supersede all prior oral and written statements oz agreements <br />FY200h DFIS SFISGP Memorandum of Agreement 5 of 6 <br />