Orange County NC Website
22 <br /> ■ Ownership transfers - Joint ownership to County and County ownership to Joint <br /> ownership <br /> ■ Recommend additional actions <br /> ■ Pursue a conservation easement protecting the reconfigured <br /> "Headwaters Preserve" (60 acres) <br /> ■ Pursue a conservation easement protecting the Joint Owned Preserve <br /> (22 acres) <br /> ■ Solicit input from the public, stakeholders, and elected officials regarding <br /> land use and affordable housing needs <br /> ■ With adoption by all three governing boards, the resulting resolution would supersede <br /> the 2002 Resolution <br /> Greene Tract Flow Chart <br /> Questions and Comments <br /> Alderman Seils said the Alderman had a conversation last spring about various <br /> scenarios, and asked if all of these are still viable. <br /> Craig Benedict said the scenarios are still out there, and the desire from the Managers, <br /> Mayors and Chairs was to pursue the highest development potential to start with. He said in the <br /> coming months, staff will work with the various boards to determine development goals. He <br /> said this land can be developed in pods of affordable housing, or as mixed income <br /> development, which seemed preferable. He said the question of density would need to be <br /> considered as well. He said the trend seems to be leaning towards do more rather than less; <br /> more total units and possibly more affordable housing. <br /> Alderman Seils said he hoped all towns and staff has been able to review these <br /> scenarios. <br /> Craig Benedict said yes, and they are still available to be viewed. <br /> Alderman Seils said this is a high priority for everyone at the table tonight. He said he <br /> hopes staff will hold the elected officials to the timeline, so this topic can move from <br /> conversation to action. <br /> Council Member Parker said he found that deadlines are good tools for getting things <br /> done, and he encouraged everyone to embody this resolution. He said he would like to see a <br /> work plan attached to the resolution for accountability, and it is incumbent on them to be <br /> accountable to their constituents. <br /> Mayor Lavelle said it seems that everyone is in complete support of this resolution, and it <br /> should be put on an agenda immediately in order to move forward. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said this conversation seems to be exactly where it was a year <br /> ago. He said staff, managers, and chairs worked out all these details, and then progress <br /> stopped last spring. He said all entities have already agreed to the reconfiguration, and the <br /> BOCC voted on the density alternatives. He said he favors putting some hard dates on these <br /> deadlines as this is now a policy issue. He said affordable housing is their highest priority and <br /> this can be their test case on collaboration. He said thus far they are all failing, and he agreed <br /> with Mayor Lavelle to put it on their agendas as soon as possible. <br /> Councilmember Oates said this is an isolated site, requiring personal transportation, and <br /> it is important to do focus groups before deciding what will be built there. She said it is well <br /> meaning to want to serve as many people as possible, but it is critical to hear the input from <br /> those who actually want to live there. <br /> Councilmember Bin echoed Councilmember Oates' comments, and said planning goes <br /> hand in hand with environmental issues, both of which are very important. She said there are <br />