Orange County NC Website
L% <br />ERlE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />Public Official Bond <br />~<<afu ~U ~tn 6~ ffif~ess ~rdlttlS, sorw No. Q~!.736002o NC <br />Thatwa. .. Ke-m!ed.TJC~!?!!via!s ..........................:.............................. <br />a ! ~ .... ..... a Principal. <br />and 1M ERIE INBtJRANCE COMPMIY, • corporation duly Incorporated under tM i~vre a the sea of <br />PennejMenfe, haNnp Itt pdnalpai afka M the City a ErM M the'eeid tltea, and Itoenaed b do buetrnee In <br />tfie 8hte of ... P~rlostltrania ...... with a1kM a .100 Lrle ~wattnca Place, Fria. Pa <br />........................ Y6S~if .. <br />w aunty, ere new and nrmly bound umo ....~. Coruty no.ra Ot cam~is.tcoera <br />...................................................:.............................................. <br />in tM eum a .....~.~p..2~adc~d.titt7..... ........:.....................................,. rare. <br />lawlui money a the uniten Blew a Amertu, for the payment a whidt, welt aM trwy b be madw rw <br />bend oureehw. ttw NeMe. eoaaloore. edmMtMrabn, arcceeeon and aeeiprw, IannY and ~aib. fMnb <br />by Mew pneeme. <br />fG1.ED t911fl1 OUII aw.s and dared ax........ ~~! .............. day a . ~!R~=tY 9Z... <br />Wl~raee. tM above bounden ... R.°. nth 1~ra~r. Ch!~ri°!~ ................................... <br />wa on the ....... ?:~~......... day a ..... ~~~ ........... t0 92 .. dub eppolMadorliMdr <br />IIireceos Ot Fis>~ ...................... a un . ~~, Dossd of Coloaiaaiorrra <br />for s farm bplnMrp on do .~.dlD-..4? fir.1992 ....................................... <br />Naw,'thuebn dN oondltlon a this aaoatan a eudr <br />that tr the above bowMUr .... ~~ ~~ ~O1it <br />........................................................... <br />eha11 wN1 and fatthfulbdkblwpbtlfedtpiaea hNaflaandprornpllyaooowlHorand payovareM moneys <br />or property nteeiwd by hNn w sash afioeR M aegoedencl wiM law, a M dMsult thereof. the perttee eze- <br />eutMp this wWMtaNMq vrW pey ea damapw. ow4 and axpenaw neulnrg from euoh defsuM, not exned~ <br />irp the sum abovaranentloned. tlNn t1Na obNpatlon b W vohk olhenaiw b remain M fW1 totes and effect, <br />Thb undenakkq may na be ehuged or modnNd Dolly. No sharps or modMatbn ehaN De •fhctiw <br />anises made t-y wripen MidorewurK fewed b form • put hereof. <br />In wibrew tMlrreaf, eeW fhfndpal hw Menunto set tde bend and eve and the EftiE tNBiJRANCe <br />coutP,~Nr has amze0 itecorporateaeal. attretw by n,aalaaubwmodxsd~norn.y-M-r.ct. <br />dfe day and year nret above wrtMUr. <br />ar<,ri ~m <br />