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4 <br /> 54 go to it either through the Orange County website or directly. We need to decide on the social media ads, radio ads, etc. <br /> 55 and finalize the rest of the budget by the end of February. <br /> 56 <br /> 57 Heidi Perry: For the signs being put up in the County, it would be really nice if along with those signs, if there were signs <br /> 58 the state would let up put up that say'A feet or change lanes to pass". We've never asked them about this and since we <br /> 59 are trying to make people aware of the new law this would be a reinforcement of the new laws passed in 2016. <br /> 60 <br /> 61 AGENDA ITEM 4A: ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PRIORITY LIST FOR SPOT 6.0 I FY 2022-2031 STIP (NISH <br /> 62 TRIVEDI)- <br /> 63 Nish Trivedi gave a presentation on SPOT 6.0. He spoke on the process that MPOs and local jurisdictions go through to <br /> 64 submit projects to be included in the next Statewide Transportation Improvement Program(STIP). <br /> 65 <br /> 66 Heidi Perry: Who determines the scoring criteria? <br /> 67 <br /> 68 Nish Trivedi: The NCDOT Board of Transportation (DOT) determines the weights and criteria for the statewide, regional, <br /> 69 and division pots. A working group is meeting regularly and will make final recommendations to the Board of <br /> 70 Transportation? <br /> 71 <br /> 72 Matt Day: DOT always defer to the working group. <br /> 73 <br /> 74 Heidi Perry: Who comprises the working group? <br /> 75 <br /> 76 Matt Day: The working group is 12 people from NCDOT and 12 non-NCDOT people.They have lots of meetings. <br /> 77 <br /> 78 Ram Athavale: What do you mean by centerlines? <br /> 79 <br /> 80 Nish: Centerline is the center of the road or center of right-of-way. NCDOT uses it to avoid double counting roads. It does <br /> 81 not take into account number of lanes. Centerline miles is simply length of road from one end to another. <br /> 82 <br /> 83 Matt Day: DOT has two different ways of counting mileage;centerline and lane miles. <br /> 84 <br /> 85 Nish Trivedi: Federal money is used for bike/ped projects and it is tied to STIP.The Federal money is the SDBGDA. <br /> 86 <br /> 87 Matt Day: You can submit them for STI, there is federal money that is specifically for bike and projects. The federal money <br /> 88 is made part of the state's STIP. <br /> 89 <br /> 90 Heidi Perry: And it requires a local match? <br /> 91 <br /> 92 Nish Trivedi. Yes,these require local match and local administration. <br /> 93 <br /> 94 Matt Day: Yes. But STBGDA is available to MPOs not RPOs, you can get federal TAP funds through RPO and anyone <br /> 95 can get them through STI. <br /> 96 <br /> 97 Nish Trivedi: There are federal Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) funds TAP also requires local match and local <br /> 98 administration. Local match is just one major cost of the project and Local Administration is also another additional cost. <br /> 99 Local jurisdictions have to pay both. Orange County has not addressed this issue yet. <br /> 100 <br /> 101 Heidi Perry: Two years ago, wasn't $4 million dollar rescinded back to the federal government because no one could <br /> 102 gather local matches for their projects? <br /> 103 <br /> 104 Matt Day: This was based on the recession that happened a few years ago. There's a certain amount of that federal <br /> 105 money that has to be spent in towns less than 5,000 people, and they had a hard time getting towns that were that small to <br /> 106 contribute money. DOT is using some of those unused TAP funds on ADA curb-ramp improvements, for municipalities in <br /> 107 the state. <br />