Orange County NC Website
DRAFT 4 <br /> 54 <br /> 55 Allyson Coltrane: It's not technically cash in hand, but you can get GoPerks. To get GoPerks you must log your <br /> 56 commute through our ShareTheRideNC page; it's there you can get free Joe VanGo coffee,free Dunkin Donuts, etc. <br /> 57 <br /> 58 Allyson Coltrane: Below is the operating costs annually and the revenue hours need to all of this. <br /> 59 <br /> 60 Johanna Birckmayer: What are revenue hours? <br /> 61 <br /> 62 Allyson Coltrane: DOT allots us certain hours that we can dedicate to certain routes and services, so those are hours <br /> 63 you would need to make the Hillsborough circulator run every 30 minutes, or to expand the service to 8:00 P.M. <br /> 64 <br /> 65 Art Menius: How far short is our capacity, people, and money compared to the excellent goals laid out in the <br /> 66 PowerPoint? <br /> 67 <br /> 68 Theo Letman: We are very far apart. There was a discussion a year ago regarding the light rail in the transit plan. A lot <br /> 69 of the money is going toward the light rail and not a lot towards bus. Part of the transit plan is to push what the needs <br /> 70 are in the area and what the folks want. Myself; Travis Myren,the Deputy County Manager; as well as Craig Benedict go <br /> 71 to the staff working group meetings with GoTriangle and the other transportation providers, and we push for this and as <br /> 72 much dollars as we can to get out the transit plan for these projects, but there is a huge gap between what is proposed <br /> 73 and allocated. Negotiations are still going on between the entities to finalize what our cut should be. <br /> 74 <br /> 75 Heidi Perry: So the circulator is out, was that one of the ones they took off the plan in order to only have the light rail go <br /> 76 forward for funding? <br /> 77 <br /> 78 Theo Letman: There was a proposal that I put out to have a reverse circulator and that is what they took off, but I am not <br /> 79 letting it die. I do have another plan. The idea is to divide the circulator into two intersecting routes. We currently have <br /> 80 one loop and it is a very long ride for everyone. So my thought is to break it into two different routes. <br /> 81 <br /> 82 Heidi Perry: Like a figure 8? <br /> 83 <br /> 84 Theo Letman: Exactly. Bisecting in the middle of the town and they can make their connections. It would provide more <br /> 85 frequent service and will require more hours. I am working on getting it done. <br /> 86 <br /> 87 AGENDA ITEM 5C: TRANSIT ADVISORY SERVICES(TAS)COMM ENTSIQUESTIONS(THEO LETMAN)- <br /> 88 <br /> 89 Theo Letman: To follow Allyson on the status of the transit plan, it is in final draft mode and is currently being reviewed. <br /> 90 Once reviewed by staff, it will be brought to the OUTBoard for review. Our concern has always been that we provide <br /> 91 more on-demand services than fixed routes. Both GoTriangle and Chapel Hill Transit provide fixed route services. In <br /> 92 our rural county, we do a lot of on demand; a lot of Medicaid transportation and a lot of paratransit services that provide <br /> 93 for the elderly and the disabled. My focus is to meet the needs of those populations and provide as much service as <br /> 94 possible. To organize services that are both cost effective and meet those needs is not always possible because of <br /> 95 ridership. Part of the transit planning is to bring those ideas and efforts forward in a comprehensive plan that articulates <br /> 96 the needs of this community. We are going through the review process with GoTriangle. We will bring that report <br /> 97 forward for the OUTBoard to review. Staffing is almost back up to full staff since the last meeting. We are currently <br /> 98 hiring for part time and full-time drivers and a full-time,operations assistant. It has been grant season with NCDOT since <br /> 99 our last meeting, and for the first time,we applied for a 5307 grant which is an urbanized area grant. The grant provides <br /> 100 dollars for more positions, and it provides for the transit amenities that we are planning for. We have a semi-seat project <br /> 101 that we are working with the Department on Aging on, and as of a year ago, the project is still on going so the grant <br /> 102 provides money to make sure the labor is still there. It will purchase bike racks and vehicles that were purchased without <br /> 103 bike racks. Mobile pay will be a way for people to use an app on their cell phones to pay the fare as they board the bus. <br /> 104 We are just about finished with our procurement for upgrading our software that will help us manage the internal the day- <br /> 105 to-day services and scheduling and provide external means for passengers to look up when their ride will arrive. They <br /> 2 <br />