Planning Board agenda 020619
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board agenda 020619
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Last modified
5/28/2019 11:52:05 AM
Creation date
2/15/2019 3:22:50 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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12 <br /> 329 Lydia Wegman questioned and that is then the planning board will be able to see it as well on the 31 s� <br /> 330 <br /> 331 Nish Trivedi stated, yes. <br /> 332 <br /> 333 Lydia Wegman asked if there was a Board of Commissioners meeting on the 16th <br /> 334 <br /> 335 Nish Trivedi informed her that there is an OUTBoard meeting on the 16tn <br /> 336 <br /> 337 Nish Trivedi continued his updates. <br /> 338 <br /> 339 Lydia Wegman asked whether the board would have a chance to see the comments from the Economic <br /> 340 Development meeting. <br /> 341 <br /> 342 Nish Trivedi advised that the comments would be provided. <br /> 343 <br /> 344 Nish Trivedi continued his updates and stated that a lot of content on the public involvement process had been added <br /> 345 to the planning update. Nish reminded the board that the document would be released and online January 31st with <br /> 346 track changes showing where additional content had been added since the last time it was reviewed. He stated that <br /> 347 the Public Hearing would take place February 51h at the Whitted Building at 7:00 p.m. <br /> 348 <br /> 349 Craig Benedict added that in addition to the importance of an Access Management Plan there are also four additional <br /> 350 criteria involved with new development that assist with the economic development potential of properties and the <br /> 351 development restrictions. <br /> 352 <br /> 353 Lydia Wegman stated that there had been a lot of confusion on the part of the public of why it was being performed <br /> 354 and the overall Access Management Plan. She asked if Craig thought the concerns of the public had been <br /> 355 addressed in the plan's updates and if he thought the members of the public with concerns had a clearer <br /> 356 understanding. <br /> 357 <br /> 358 Craig Benedict replied,yes. He explained that the Access Management Plan makes sense and that the plan would <br /> 359 not directly affect the person possibly farming the land but would affect the neighbor who buys the land from them for <br /> 360 future development. He mentioned meeting with people individually to explain development on a case-by-case basis <br /> 361 and mentioned that information could be found on the website should people have any concerns. <br /> 362 <br /> 363 Lydia Wegman replied with a thank you and asked for further questions. <br /> 364 <br /> 365 AGENDA ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT <br /> 366 The meeting was adjourned by consensus. <br /> 367 <br /> 368 <br /> 369 <br /> 370 Lydia N. Wegman, Chair <br />
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