Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> code, reclaimed water systems are defined as, "treated wastewater effluent meeting <br /> established standards and using the effluent for beneficial reuse." Beneficial reuse <br /> intends to conserve the State's water resources by reducing reliance on potable, <br /> surface, and groundwater resources for activities where water would not be a <br /> contamination risk by the consumption of humans and animals. Industry stakeholders <br /> advocated the addition of reclaimed water systems to the proposed rules. According to <br /> the fiscal statement, there is an increased cost associated with treating the wastewater <br /> to a higher effluent standard. Reclaimed water systems, though, allow the owner a cost <br /> savings with regards to the use of potable water, citing businesses like golf courses and <br /> industries that need large amounts of water for cooling. Environmental Health has the <br /> capacity to review, to permit, and to inspect reclaimed water systems as a type of <br /> advanced pretreatment system for any applicant who is not served by public wastewater <br /> utility. <br />