Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> 1 Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) for inclusion in SPOT 6.0. These projects <br /> 2 must be approved by their respective Boards prior to submission. Orange County's process <br /> 3 requires that the Board of County Commissioners (BPCC) approve the list of County <br /> 4 transportation priorities prior to submission to the respective MPO/RPO. Each MPO/RPO has <br /> 5 its own unique process for determining which limited number of projects it submits to NCDOT. <br /> 6 • DCHC MPO will only submit projects listed in the adopted MTP <br /> 7 • TARPO will establish a subcommittee to determine which projects to submit <br /> 8 • BG MPO uses a multi-criteria process to determine which projects to submit <br /> 9 Before MPO/RPO Boards approve the projects for submission, they will conduct a 30 day public <br /> 10 comment period and public hearing. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 SPOT 6.0 Project List— Staff and OUTBoard Recommendations <br /> 13 Based on changes to MPO/RPO SPOT project selection processes, staff is recommending <br /> 14 Orange County transportation priorities also change so that projects may compete better. Staff <br /> 15 has also met with member jurisdictions in Orange County to identify specific corridors they <br /> 16 would like addressed through SPOT/STIP or other funding opportunities. These changes and <br /> 17 potential corridors are provided as staff recommendations for Orange County Transportation <br /> 18 Priorities (Attachments 1 - 3). Many Orange County 2017 transportation priorities are carried <br /> 19 forward and highlighted in Green. Possible new priorities are provided in Jange. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Staff is recommending removal of independent bike/pedestrian projects based on <br /> 22 Strategic Transportation Investment (STI) Law § 136-189.11 (d).(3).c. <br /> 23 o The Department shall not provide financial support for independent bicycle and <br /> 24 pedestrian improvement projects. <br /> 25 o Independent bike/ pedestrian projects can be pursued through "Federal Surface <br /> 26 Transportation Block Grant Direct Allocation". <br /> 27 o They require 20% local match and local administration. <br /> 28 Staff recommends converting paved shoulder projects and independent <br /> 29 bike/pedestrian projects to highway modernization projects with bike lanes. <br /> 30 o First 5 feet of sidewalk width is subject to NCDOT's Sidewalk Cost Share Policy <br /> 31 — 50% for Orange County— and any additional width must be 100% locally <br /> 32 funded. <br /> 33 Staff recommends adding Old NC-86, NC-86, US-70 and NC-54 as County Priorities <br /> 34 for SPOT and other funding opportunities. <br /> 35 o OUTBoard recommendations are provided in Attachments 1 — 3. Below is a <br /> 36 summary of its recommendations: <br /> 37 o Carry forward previous County Priorities and recommend they be highway <br /> 38 projects with 11' travel lane and 5' paved shoulder, no curb and gutter or <br /> 39 sidewalk. <br /> 40 o Projects in town jurisdictions should be coordinated with the town with the <br /> 41 understanding towns may submit them to MPO. <br /> 42 • US-70 widening not recommended as possible project <br /> 43 o Opposes more cars on road and find better ways to keep trucks on interstate so <br /> 44 they do not avoid the weigh station. <br /> 45 • Table NC-86 and NC-54 till MPO/RPO complete update to CTP <br /> 46 o Recommend BOCC request TARPO request NCDOT study NC-86 and update <br /> 47 CTP before proceeding with possible project. <br /> 48 o Await DCHC MPO action on NC-54 Corridor Study before proceeding with <br /> 49 possible project. <br /> 50 <br />