Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> 1 Commissioner Ferguson said she worked in Research Triangle Park (RTP), and it takes <br /> 2 3 hours one way to get there via public transportation, which is unacceptable. She said they <br /> 3 are missing the boat on this. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 e) Potential Improvements to Better Move People in the Future <br /> 6 Attachment 2e— Potential Transit Vision Improvements <br /> 7 <br /> 8 f) Hillsborough Train Station and Light Rail (FRT) Transit Update <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Background: <br /> 11 The Durham-Orange Light Rail project continues to pursue a full funding grant agreement from <br /> 12 the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Due to the limitations imposed on State funding, <br /> 13 engineering changes, and other FTA requirements, both the cost share agreement between <br /> 14 Durham and Orange counties and the Orange County Transit Plan will need to be amended. <br /> 15 The Board of Orange County Commissioners is scheduled to learn initially discuss the <br /> 16 proposed changes on February 5, 2019 and may consider those changes on February 19, <br /> 17 2019. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Travis Myren said the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) was supposed to hear <br /> 20 from GoTriangle at its February 51" meeting but due to the federal government shutdown, that <br /> 21 date was pushed back to February 19t", and should include updated costs. He said he expects <br /> 22 action to be required in early March. <br /> 23 Commissioner Dorosin asked if a timeline for the LRT could be clarified. <br /> 24 Travis Myren said the most pressing is the state legislation that imposed an April 30t" <br /> 25 deadline on funds to be committed. He said if these local funds are not committed, then state <br /> 26 funding would be in jeopardy. <br /> 27 Margaret Hauth, Hillsborough Planning Director and Assistant Town Manager, said the <br /> 28 funding agreement for the Hillsborough Train Station is very nearly in place with the two <br /> 29 partners: NC Department of Transportation (DOT) and GoTriangle. She said the funding has <br /> 30 been approved for a number of years, but that actual document that outlines who gives how <br /> 31 much money, and when, has yet to be completed. She said there the train station must be <br /> 32 delivered in 5 years, and discussions are starting to move this forward. She said the staff <br /> 33 recommendation is to consider publishing an RFP or RFQ for a public/private partnership to <br /> 34 make about 5 acres of Town-owned land available for development, including the train station. <br /> 35 She said there would be hard parameters about what could be developed. She said the Town <br /> 36 Board has not formally agreed to this, but all recognize that 5 years will pass very quickly. <br /> 37 Commissioner Dorosin asked if 5 acres is the maximum amount of land available there. <br /> 38 Margaret Hauth said the Town owns 20 acres, and she said the conceptual plan leads <br /> 39 staff to believe that the station and some non-residential development would fit on something <br /> 40 between 5-7 acres. She said it is assumed that the station and development would increase the <br /> 41 value of the remaining acreage, and there is no rush to put all of the land on the market at the <br /> 42 same time. <br /> 43 Mayor Stevens said the station itself would not take 5 acres, but rather it would be a <br /> 44 commercial area around the station. <br /> 45 Margaret Hauth said the plan and budget for this station are tied very closely to the <br /> 46 Kannapolis station model, due to the similarities between the size and needs. <br /> 47 Commissioner Marcoplos said it would be great to have a sidewalk from downtown <br /> 48 Hillsborough to the train station. He said he has been thinking of sidewalk needs in general, <br /> 49 and it would be wise for the County to discuss this need with the Town, and whose <br />