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1'6* ORANGE COUNTY 15 <br /> 90 FOO❑ COUNCIL <br /> Grow the local food economy through researching and proposing policies and initiatives <br /> that support local farmers, producers, farmworkers, and food entrepreneurs. <br /> Goal 11. 1. Identify other funding sources to stimulate economic growth and increase demand <br /> for local foods. <br /> Performance Measures <br /> 11.1a. Output: 12 meetings of the Local Food Economy Workgroup are held each fiscal <br /> year. <br /> 11.1 b. Output: A presentation is developed on the use of other funding sources for local <br /> food system activities. <br /> 11.1c. Outcome: Develop a plan for the use of the identified other funding sources to <br /> stimulate economic growth and increase demand for local foods. <br /> Deliverable: Orange County Food Council budget appropriation is increased with the <br /> identified funds for investment in the local food system. <br /> Goal 11. 2. Create a baseline of locally grown food consumption on UNC and Orange <br /> County public school campuses and increase the amount of locally grown food <br /> consumption by 20% (in dollars spent) within 3 years for those institutions and agencies. <br /> Performance Measures <br /> 11.2a. Output: Meetings of the Local Food Economy Workgroup are held with UNC and <br /> Orange County public schools representatives to chart out a plan to meet the goal. <br /> II. 2b. Output: UNC and Orange County public schools representatives work with local <br /> food providers to develop and implement a local food program for students. <br /> II 2c. Outcome: Students attending UNC and Orange County public schools will have <br /> increased access to locally grown foods. <br /> Deliverable: Report on the amount of locally grown foods that are served to students at <br /> UNC and Orange County public schools on a quarterly basis. <br /> III. FZ Access <br /> Orange County residents have access to healthy, affordable, and local food and <br /> equitable participation in the food system. <br /> Goal III. 1. Increase community awareness of food access resources available in Orange <br /> County. <br /> Performance Measures <br /> 111.1a. Output: 10 meetings of the Food Access Workgroup are held each fiscal year. <br /> 111.1 b. Outcome: Amount of meals/food served will expand due to increased knowledge <br /> of how and where to access nutrition support and other supplemental food resources. <br />