Agenda - 11-22-2004-d1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-22-2004
Agenda - 11-22-2004-d1
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4/22/2013 4:32:11 PM
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8/29/2008 10:26:18 AM
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13 <br />proposed for funding must be included in the MPO Plan and TIP and must meet the <br />metropolitan planning requirements. <br />General planning activities, such as economic or demographic studies, that do not directly <br />propose or support a transportation /air quality project or are too far removed from project <br />development to ensure any emission reductions are not eligible for funding. Funding for <br />preparation of NEPA or other environmental documents that are not related to a <br />transportation project to improve air quality is also ineligible. Such activities should be <br />funded with other appropriate title 23 or title 49 FTA funds. <br />Region- or area -wide air quality monitoring is not eligible because such projects do not <br />themselves yield air quality improvements nor do they lead directly to projects that would <br />yield air quality benefits. Air quality monitoring is normally a State air quality <br />agencyresponsibility which is funded under section 105 of the CAA. If the MPO or State <br />chooses, air quality monitoring could also be funded as a transportation planning activity <br />and appropriate title 23 funds used, <br />15. I/M Eligibility: Emission I/M programs and related activities show strong potential for <br />improving air quality and are cost - effective uses of CMAQ funds. Recognizing this, <br />construction of facilities and purchase of equipment for I/M stations are eligible for CMAQ <br />funds, Projects necessary for the development of these IN programs and one -time start- <br />up activities, such as updating quality assurance software or developing a mechanic <br />training curriculum, are also eligible activities. Operating expenses are eligible for CMAQ <br />funding subject to the general conditions applying to all new transportation services. <br />Specifically, the I/M program must constitute new or additional efforts; existing funding <br />(including inspection fees) should not be displaced, and operating expenses are only <br />eligible for 3 years. <br />Funds under the CMAQ program may be used for the establishment of I/M programs at <br />publicly -awned I/M facilities. Publicly -owned I/M facilities may be constructed, equipment <br />may be purchased, and the facility operated for up to 3 years with CMAQ funds, provided <br />that the conditions covering operations described above are met. <br />The establishment of I/M programs at privately -owned stations, such as service stations <br />that own the equipment and conduct emission test - and - repair services, can only be funded <br />under the CMAQ program under the provisions covering "public- private partnerships" <br />contained in this guidance. However, if the State relies on private stations, State or local <br />administrative costs for the planning and promotion of the State's I/M program may be <br />funded under the CMAQ program, <br />The establishment of "portable" I/M programs is also eligible under the CMAQ program, <br />provided that they are public services, contribute to emission reductions and do not conflict <br />with statutory I/M requirements or EPA implementing regulations. Like all CMAQ- funded <br />projects, these programs must meet any relevant NEPA requirements and must be <br />included in the area's plan and TIP before they can be funded. <br />
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