Agenda - 11-22-2004-d1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-22-2004
Agenda - 11-22-2004-d1
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4/22/2013 4:32:11 PM
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8/29/2008 10:26:18 AM
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11 <br />Outreach activities differ fundamentally from the establishment of transportation services. <br />They are communication services that are critical to successful implementation of <br />transportation measures and may equally affect new and existing transit, shared ride, I /M, <br />traffic management and control, bicycle and pedestrian, and other transportation services. <br />As such, they are intended to continue reaching new audiences each time they are <br />implemented, and restrictions on the length of time they may be funded seems contrary to <br />one of the program's goals of effecting behavioral changes to reduce transportation <br />emissions. <br />Marketing Programs: Marketing programs to increase use of transportation alternatives to <br />SOV travel and public education campaigns involving the linkage between transportation <br />and air quality are eligible operating expenses. Transit "stores" selling fare media and <br />dispensing route and schedule information which occupy leased space are also eligible, In <br />addition, programs to promote the recently enacted Tax Code 10 change related to <br />commute benefits are eligible for CMAQ funding, <br />Carpooling and Vanpooling: Carpool and vanpool programs include computer matching <br />of individuals seeking to carpool and employer outreach to establish rideshare programs <br />and meet CAA requirements. These activities, even if they are part of an existing rideshare <br />program, are eligible for CMAQ funding. New or expanded rideshare programs, such as <br />new locations for matching services, upgrades for computer matching software, etc. are <br />also eligible and may be funded for an indefinite period of time for both carpool and vanpool <br />services, <br />The implementation of a vanpool operation entails purchasing or leasing vehicles and <br />providing a transportation service. Therefore, proposals for vanpool activities such as these <br />must be for new or expanded service to be eligible and are subject to the 3 -year limitation <br />on operating costs. <br />Under the CMAQ program, the purchase price of a publicly -owned vehicle for a vanpool <br />service does not have to be paid back to the Federal Government. Requiring payback <br />would place an additional constraint to wider implementation and usage of vanpool <br />programs, Nonetheless, CMAQ funds should not be used to buy or lease vans that would <br />be in direct competition with and impede private sector initiatives. Consistent with the <br />statewide and metropolitan planning regulation 11, States and MPOs should consult with <br />the private sector prior to using CMAQ funds to purchase vans, and if local private firms <br />have definite plans to provide adequate vanpool service, CMAQ funds should not be used <br />to supplant that service. <br />Transportation Management Associations: Transportation Management Associations <br />(TMAs) are comprised of groups of individuals, firms or employers who organize to address <br />the transportation issues in their immediate locale. The CMAQ funds may be used for the <br />establishment of TMAs provided that the TMA performs a specified purpose in the project <br />agreement that will be part of any air quality improvement strategy.. The TMAs can play a <br />useful role in brokering transportation services to private employers, and CMAQ funds may <br />be used to contract with TMAs for this purpose, Eligible costs include coordinating and <br />
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