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iul <br />air quality standard during periods of high pollutant levels. Examples include metropolitan <br />areas that have implemented voluntary mobile source emission reduction programs which <br />promote a range of measures individuals can take to reduce ozone - forming emissions. <br />"Ozone- action" programs, designed to avoid exceedances when ozone concentrations are <br />high, are bolstered by more permanent measures aimed at discouraging SOV driving. <br />Refer to section VI1.12 for additional discussion of fare /fee subsidies. <br />8. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities and Programs: Bicycle and pedestrian facilities and <br />programs are included as a TCM in section 108(f)(1)(A) of the CAA. Included as eligible <br />projects are: <br />• construction of bicycle and pedestrian facilities; <br />• non - construction projects related to safe bicycle use; and <br />• establishment and funding of State bicycle /pedestrian coordinator positions, as <br />established in the ISTEA, for promoting and facilitating the increased use of <br />nonmotorized modes of transportation. This includes public education, <br />promotional, and safety programs for using such facilities. <br />9. Travel Demand Management: Travel demand management encompasses a diverse set of <br />activities ranging from traditional carpool and vanpool programs to more innovative parking <br />management and road pricing measures. Many of these measures are specifically <br />referenced in the legislation creating the CMAQ program. Travel demand management <br />projects meeting the basic eligibility requirements of the FHWA and FTA funding programs <br />are eligible for CMAQ funding. Eligible activities include: market research and planning in <br />support of travel demand management (TDM) implementation; traffic, calming measures; <br />capital expenses required to implement TDM measures; operating assistance to administer <br />and manage TDM programs for up to 3 years; as well as marketing and public education <br />efforts to support and bolster TDM measures. <br />Experience to date suggests that new transportation service has the greatest chance of <br />success if offered along with complementary measures which discourage SOV use, such <br />as parking restrictions or differential parking fees. Several provisions in TEA -21 require <br />metropolitan areas to consider TDM measures in the planning process and this guidance <br />seeks to encourage their development and implementation. <br />With respect to traffic calming measures, such projects should be examined on a case -by- <br />case basis to assess eligibility. Not all traffic calming measures will lead to reduced <br />emissions and States and MPOs should analyze these projects in the local context in which <br />they would be implemented. <br />10. Outreach and Rideshare Activities: Outreach activities, such as public education on <br />transportation and air quality, advertising of transportation alternatives to SOV travel, and <br />technical assistance to employers or other outreach activities relating to promoting non - <br />SOV travel options have been, and continue to be, eligible for CMAQ funds. Such outreach <br />activities may be funded under the CMAQ program for an indefinite period. <br />