DocuSign Envelope ID: F521C9FC-AF1E-46C1-BD79-B6069BD1C2DD
<br /> If hired "autos" are covered "autos" for Liability O. PERSONAL PROPERTY OF OTHERS
<br /> Coverage, and if Comprehensive, Specified Section 111 — Physical Damage Coverage, A.4.
<br /> Causes of Loss, or Collision coverage is provided Coverage Extensions is amended by adding the
<br /> for any"auto" you awn, then the Physical Damage following:
<br /> coverages provided are extended to "autos" you We will pay up to$500 for loss to personal property
<br /> hire, subject to the following limit and deductible: of others in or on your covered"auto."
<br /> (1) The most we will pay for loss to any hired This coverage applies only in the event of"loss" to
<br /> "auto" is the lesser of Actual Cash Value or your covered "auto" caused by fire, lightning,
<br /> Cost of Repair, minus the deductible. explosion, theft, mischief or vandalism, the covered
<br /> (2) The deductible will be equal to the largest "auto's"collision with another object, or the covered
<br /> deductible applicable to any owned "auto" for "auto's"overturn,
<br /> that coverage. No deductible applies to "loss" No deductibles apply to this coverage.
<br /> caused by fire or lightning.
<br /> (3) Subject to the above limit and deductible P. PERSONAL EFFECTS COVERAGE
<br /> provisions, we will provide coverage equal to Section III — Physical Damage Coverage, A.4.
<br /> the broadest coverage applicable to any Coverage Extensions is amended by adding the
<br /> covered"auto"you own. following:
<br /> We will pay up to$1,000, in addition to the limit We will pay up to $500 for "loss" to your personal
<br /> above, for loss of use of a hired auto to a effects not otherwise covered in the policy or, if you
<br /> leasing or rental concern for a monetary loss are an individual, the personal effects of a family
<br /> sustained, provided it results from an"accident" member, that is in the covered auto at the time of the
<br /> for which you are legally liable. "loss".
<br /> However, any"auto"that is leased, hired, rented or For the purposes of this extension personal effects
<br /> borrowed with a driver is not a covered"auto". means tangible property that is worn or carried by an
<br /> insured including portable audio, visual, or electronic
<br /> N. AUTO LOAN OR LEASE COVERAGE devices. Personal effects does not include tools,
<br /> Section III — Physical Damage Coverage jewelry, guns, money and securities, or musical
<br /> Paragraph A.4. Coverage Extensions is amended instruments
<br /> by the addition of the following: Q. EXTRA EXPENSE FOR STOLEN AUTO
<br /> In the event of a total "loss" to a covered "auto" Section III — Physical Damage Coverage, A.4.
<br /> which is covered under this policy for Coverage Extensions is amended by adding the
<br /> Comprehensive, Specified Cause of Loss, or following:
<br /> Collision coverage, we will pay any unpaid amount We will pay up to 51,000 for the expense incurred
<br /> due, including up to a maximum of $500 for early returning a stolen covered "auto" to you because of
<br /> termination fees or penalties, on the lease or loan the total theft of such covered "auto". Coverage
<br /> for a covered"auto", less: applies only to those covered "autos" for which you
<br /> 1. The amount paid under the Physical Damage carry Comprehensive or Specified Causes Of Loss
<br /> Coverage Section of the policy; and Coverage.
<br /> a. Overdue lease/loan payments at the time Section III — Physical Damage Coverage, AA.
<br /> of the"loss"; Coverage Extensions is amended by adding the
<br /> b. Financial penalties imposed under a lease following:
<br /> for excessive use, abnormal wear and tear 1. This coverage applies only to a covered"auto"for
<br /> or high mileage; which Physical Damage Coverage is provided
<br /> C. Security deposits not returned by the on this policy.
<br /> lessor; 2. We will pay for rental reimbursement expenses
<br /> incurred by you for the rental of an "auto"
<br /> d. Costs for extended warranties, Credit Life
<br /> because of"loss' to a covered "auto". Payment
<br /> Insurance, Health, Accident or Disability applies in addition to the otherwise applicable
<br /> Insurance purchased with the loan or lease; amount of each coverage you have on a covered
<br /> and "auto".No deductibles apply to this coverage.
<br /> e. Carry-over balances from previous loans or 3. We will pay only for those expenses incurred
<br /> leases. during
<br /> the policy
<br /> y period beginning 24 hours
<br /> Coverage does not apply to any unpaid amount after the "loss" and ending, regardless of the
<br /> due on a loan for which the covered "auto" is not policy's expiration, with the lesser of the
<br /> the sole collateral. following number of days.
<br /> CA7450(11-17) Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties,Inc.with its permission. Page 3 of 5
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