Orange County NC Website
ri <br />Section 3z. Service to Public Buildings <br />Mr. Phillips reported that TWC had indeed credited the County with the <br />equivalent cost of providing 125 feet of aerial cable when preparing cost estimates <br />for extending service to the Government Services Building. <br />Since the items in Exhibit A relating to Customer Service Standards will be <br />worked back into the main body of the franchise agreement (see discussion at <br />Section 5, Customer Service Standards, above), Exhibit B will become Exhibit A, <br />"Public Facilities to Receive Free Basic Cable Service." Note that a reference <br />thereinto "Section 2g" should be verified, since section numbering of the <br />franchise agreement is being changed, <br />Mr. Phillips reiterated his intention to provide Ms, Harvey with a "fact sheet" <br />describing how customer complaints will he processed by TWC. The fact sheet <br />will include the expectation that the County will encourage customers to first <br />contact TWC and an explanation of how "escalated" complaints made by the <br />Manager's Office on behalf of customers will be handled by TWC. <br />Ms. Harvey aclcrrowledged receipt from Ms, Curtis of a copy of an actual TWC <br />subscriber bill, She said that she is likely to authorize removal of the County <br />Manager's telephone number from the cable bill after an agreed upon franchise <br />ordinance is approved by the BOCC, <br />Next Session <br />The parties agreed to meet next on Wednesday, November r~ from r:oo to 5:00 <br />PM at the TWC offices in Morrisville, Mr. Phillips offered to have lunch available <br />at 12:3o before the meeting. <br />