Agenda - 11-16-2004-9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-16-2004
Agenda - 11-16-2004-9a
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8/29/2008 10:26:11 AM
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0 <br />The cost of connecting the projected restroom /concession facility in the park to <br />OWASA sewer is estimated at $500,000, and extension of water service from <br />Old 86 is estimated at around $75,000. However, costs of line extensions to <br />serve the schools campus have not been calculated and could certainly impact <br />the park site service plans and costs. <br />It is estimated that the water /sewer demand from the site during Phase 1 period <br />(defined here as 2006 -09) would be exclusively for Elementary School #10, <br />Generally, at the designed buildout, a substantial majority of the water /sewer <br />demand generated on the site would be from the schools facilities, even with a <br />proposed water -play feature as proposed in future phases, <br />A general estimate of demand might be 5 gallons per day (gpd) per user for the <br />park and 15 gpd per student at any school that does not provide showers. A 500 - <br />student elementary school which does not provide showers (this is typical of <br />nearly all elementary schools and many middle schools) would be expected to <br />generate a daily wastewater load of 7500 gallons. Similarly, a park facility <br />projected to experience 1500 patrons per day would also be expected to <br />generate a wastewater loading of 7500 gpd. A water playground feature, in which <br />water is discharged to the sanitary sewer system as opposed to a storm sewer <br />system, could be expected to generate an additional wastewater load, <br />Potential for Public Transit Service <br />In September, staff from ERCD, Planning and Recreation and Parks met with <br />Mary Lou Kuschatka, Director of Chapel Hill Transit, regarding the potential <br />provision of service to this site, Ms. Kuschatka explained that there is no service <br />provided in the immediate Twin Creeks area, but that the Town of Carrboro had <br />been discussing the potential for a route in the Lake Hogan Farms area. She <br />noted that a new limited service was being provided twice a day up Seawell <br />School Road to Chapel Hill High School, which was being funded by the Town of <br />Chapel Hill, New service routes are required to be requested by the proposing <br />local government, and must be funded initially by the local government(s) until <br />such time as ridership reaches levels that qualify for federal matching grants. <br />Thus, service to the Twin Creeks site would need to requested by the Town <br />and /or County, which would precipitate an evaluation of potential routes and an <br />estimate of costs, <br />Ms. Kuschatka also noted that it would be unlikely that Chapel Hill Transit would <br />want to take a route internally into the park site, and they would likely prefer a <br />route that served along the proposed Lake Hogan Farm connector road, perhaps <br />with one stop near the pedestrian "node" along the proposed "redline" trail, <br />Staff feels that, because of the size of the site and distance between some <br />activities, two other stops along the connector road may be needed for eventual <br />service — one for the schools campus, one for the park, <br />
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