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3 <br />drawings and detail, will take approximately 6 -12 months, depending on the amount of detail <br />that the Town requests for the CUP. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no cost involved in receiving this report and considering the <br />Master Plan for approval. Funding for Phase I of Twin Creeks Park was included in the voter - <br />approved 2001 Parks and Open Space bond in the amount of $1.2 million. The County <br />Engineer has provided a preliminary estimate of connection for water and sewer of $575,000, <br />although staff may recommend that water /sewer connection be deferred to future phases of the <br />park. No portion of the planned connector road (total cost estimated at $950,000) is proposed <br />for Phase I, but a portion of the park entry road (southern boundary) would need to be <br />constructed. In order to address anticipated shortfalls, staff suggests consideration of a grant <br />application for up to $500,000 to the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (application due January <br />31) to provide additional revenue, and the possibility also exists to employ Soccer Superfund <br />monies to advance creation of fields in Phase I. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the BOCC review both master plans <br />and follow -up materials compiled by staff, and -- at this meeting or a subsequent meeting • -- <br />consider adoption of a Master Plan for the park. At a subsequent meeting, staff will present a <br />proposed phasing plan for approval, as well as preliminary cost estimates. Once a Phase 1 has <br />been designated, staff would continue work toward the CUP application to the Town of <br />Carrboro. <br />In addition, there are a number of other issues for future Board discussion outlined in the <br />attached staff memo, and the Board may wish to consider when to address these matters. <br />