Orange County NC Website
Next Steps / Other Issues Needing Discussion <br />As we move toward into the approval phase of the project, several other issues <br />may need to be addressed by the Board: <br />1. Ownership of land on the educational campus portion of the site <br />2. The method and degree of coordination between CHCCS and the County <br />on the Master Plan, and the permit approval processes for the schools. <br />3. The potential for coordination with proposed development activity to the <br />south (the proposed Villages at Berkeley), on issues such as the parkway. <br />4. Funding for future phases of the park <br />5. Agreements on sharing of facilities <br />6. Uses of the existing farmstead buildings, and plans to stabilize the <br />structures <br />7. Discussions with OWASA and Carrboro about stream corridor protection <br />and sewer ouffall offsets along Jones Creek. <br />8. The ultimate location of the proposed Lake Hogan Farm Road Extension, <br />including issues of timing of construction <br />9. Potential programming opportunities at the park <br />10. Further archaeological work to determine the extent and significance of <br />the rhyolite quarry area. <br />11. Potential environmental initiatives, including coordination with Duke Forest <br />on environmental education opportunities, and the potential for re- creation <br />of a "Piedmont Prairie' perhaps in conjunction with Piedmont EMC. <br />In terms of scope and size, the Twin Creeks (Moniese Nomp) park and campus <br />may be the largest design and coordinated construction project in the County's <br />history. As this site begins to take shape over the next several years, <br />coordination will be needed with CHCCS and the Town of Carrboro, among <br />others, to ensure that Twin Creeks becomes the type of master - planned, co- <br />located, and multi - functional destination that was envisioned at the outset of the <br />original planning. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions (245- <br />2598, dstancil <br />Copies: Gwen Harvey, Assistant Manager <br />Craig Benedict, Planning Director <br />Pam Jones, Purchasing Director <br />Lori Taft, Recreation and Parks Management Director <br />Paul Thames, County Engineer <br />Marabeth Carr, Open Space Design Specialist <br />