Orange County NC Website
FY 2005 - 2006 CTP Application <br />Transportation Memorandum of Understanding <br />Core Agency #5 Other Agencies, Org., etc. <br />in cooperation with the NCDOT Public Transportation Division will participate in the <br />Community Transportation Program (CTP) with the understanding of the following <br />responsibilities and undertakings as related in the following items: <br />1. All Core agencies must actively coordinated their client transportation needs and <br />resources at the highest level of ridesharing and cost sharing possible through the <br />local community transportation system; <br />2. Core agencies may have situations when some of their transportation needs will be <br />met outside the coordinated community transportation system because it is more cost <br />effective. However, every effort shall be made by the core agencies to insure that the <br />coordinated system has an opportunity to evaluate the costs of these services outside <br />their system to compare fully allocated costs; <br />3. All other agencies and community organizations in the service area should be <br />encouraged to utilize the community transportation system so as to increase <br />opportunities for more ridesharing and cost sharing; <br />4. The local Community Transportation Service Plan shall be updated periodically (at a <br />minimum, annually) to reflect changes in agency pazticipation, and these changes will <br />be coordinated with the NCDOT Public Transportation Division and the local <br />community transportation advisory board. Upon completion of by all parties, this <br />Memorandum of Understanding will service as an official addendum to the local <br />CTSP. <br />5. CTP funds are to be used exclusively to assist in funding administrative, operating, <br />and capital needs of the Comrunity Transportation System, in which the amount of <br />funding will based on the level and/or type of service provided (i.e. Rural General <br />Public, Employment Assistance, etc.) <br />6. All parties understand that if PTD determines that one or more core agencies is not <br />participating in the coordinated system when the system could provide it more cost <br />effectively, then CTP funds will be withheld until corrective action has been taken by <br />the core agency (ies). <br />Appendix B <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />