Orange County NC Website
9 <br />G,S..115C-2.38(a) for children with special needs; however, we have experienced many <br />special needs students enrolling or re-enrolling into DPS after the first 60 days or after <br />Ianuary (Federal funds are based on the December 1 headcount data). These children <br />require many additional resources and the funding does not follow the child but remains at <br />the charter school.. This also impacts the following year's funding which is based on a <br />December 1 headcount and/or the first and second month data, The present charter school <br />funding formulas ignore the fact that LEAs have fixed costs that do not decrease when <br />student enrollment drops.. For example, the same number of schools must be geographically <br />operated by the district. This includes proper maintenance and cleaning of the buildings, as <br />well as, energy, insurance, copiers, computers and other equipment, etc.. <br />Capital Outlay: <br />By statute, capital needs for the schools is a county requirement (G.S.115C-408(b):",,.the <br />facilities requirements for public education system will be met by county governments."). <br />However, in FY 2002-0.3 the state budget lirnited the resources available to the county <br />governments from items such as the Public School Building Capital Fund, in that year they <br />withheld the deposit of taxes to each county's fund and reallocated those resources to other <br />budgetary line items, In Durham's account this an7ount was between $1.1 million to $1,3 <br />million. Those are lost revenues to the school system and county which could have <br />provided for rnuch-needed school renovations and improvements. <br />Of course, the energy cost is a critical component needed for all of our school facilities and <br />this is a 100% local obligation, As new space is added, the need for the operational <br />component to support this space becomes alocally-funded obligation. Irr the past, the State <br />provided Borne resources for' utility costs but that effort was eliminated in the 1995 school <br />year. <br />Other Unfunded Programs: <br />This document is not intended to cover all areas of funding, There are many additional <br />funding areas which could be exarnined. The following are some other major programs in <br />which present funding is inadequate or has been cut in recent years: <br />• )/xceptional Childress Programs <br />• Teacher Licensure/Staff Development <br />• Testing and other reporting requirements <br />• Inflationary costs for state allotments <br />• Human Resource items such as criminal background checks and drug testing <br />• No Child Left Behind (Federal) <br />4 <br />