Orange County NC Website
<br />positions include the school treasurers, secretaries, SIMS operators (student information), <br />janitorial staff, maintenance staff, and other critical support staff at the school sites. This <br />must cover substitute costs for teachers as welh Currently the State provides less than half <br />the total funding required for these support positions in our district. The new state mandated <br />student information management system, named NC Wise, will require even more local <br />resources to implement, <br />Textbooks: <br />The State budget has not provided sufficient student growth funding for many years, As an <br />example, the state currently provides $58.30 per student per year for textbooks. This <br />funding is primarily meant to help the district obtain new textbooks from the five-year <br />adoption cycle (each subject area rotates on a five-year basis for new textbooks). The state <br />does not provide funding to cover a complete "set" of textbooks for a district's growth. If <br />LAPS grows each year by 400 students, we need to provide those students with a "set" of <br />textbooks to cover all of their subjects, On average, this set of textbooks will cost the <br />district $500 per student or a total of $200,000. We are presently receiving $1.8 million <br />from state funds while supplementing this allocation with $445,50.3 in local dollars annually. <br />Instructional Supplies: <br />The state provides $47.44 per student in instructional supply funding for the entire year. <br />These funds are supplemented by local funds of approximately $83.11 per child. The state <br />needs to provide more resources for instructional supplies, <br />Instructional Technoloey: <br />The state currently provides only $.3.64 per student for technology which is a decrease in <br />funding from FY 200.3-04 (the amount was $5.59 per student), This year's total state <br />allocation for Durham Public Schools is $112,148. This is inadequate to even paztially fund <br />the techmology program of PPS. This is an area that is heavily supplemented from local <br />funding. <br />Salary and Benefit Increases: <br />Sy Statute, all public school employees are "state" employees, Irr order to utilize funding <br />appropriately from the various sources (local, state, federal, grants), the school system <br />camlot separate salary increases for those employees who may be paid from other funding <br />sources. As such, the county picks up the tab for any state-legislated salary increases and <br />benefit adjustments for the public school employees who aze paid from local funds, <br />2 <br />