Orange County NC Website
<br />State Unfunded Mandates <br />Izey I'o~nts <br />Number of State Allotted Teachers: <br />In this category, too few teachers are allocated by the state to achieve the mandated class <br />sizes across all grade levels, Local funds must be used to make up the difference, In Durhatn <br />Public Schools (DPS), county fmids are utilized to place an additional 300-plus classroom <br />teachers and other instructional professionals in our classrooms to cover critical teaching <br />areas. <br />State Discretionar`y Cut: <br />In FY 2002-0.3, as a result of the budget crisis, the NC Generai Assembly instituted an item <br />called the "state discretionuy cut." This is a line item which requires the school districts to <br />return a fixed unount of money to the state after the final budget is passed. In order to meet <br />our share of the discretionary cuts, DPS had to cut teaching and support/administrative <br />positions for t(uee consecutive years. hr effect, the state gave us teaching positions to lower <br />elementary class sizes; however, to meet the required discretionary cut, DPS had to cut <br />positions-resulting in an overall net loss of positions. <br />It should also be noted that the state is not providing capital and operational funds to cover <br />the cost of additional classroom space required for lower class-sizes, Many schools are <br />already at capacity so it becomes a local fwrding obligation tluough mobile units and other <br />capital and operating funds to create these newly required classrooms. Locally we must also <br />furnish those classrooms and outfit the new teachers with furniture, supplies, etc. We <br />support state-mandated lower-class sizes when they are accompanied by resources to fund <br />the initiative. <br />Other State Staffine• <br />Teacher Assistant position allocations have not kept pace with teacher allocations for grades <br />K-3, Also, the State does not provide additional teacher assistants to account for growth in <br />student population. Since we do not have local resources for additional teacher assistants, <br />our teacher assistant to student ratio has had to hrcrease. DPS allocates 1 teacher assistant <br />for every 28 students in IC-2 and 1 teacher assistant for every 50 students in grade :3 or .32.3 <br />teacher assistants.. The state allots $886,.3.3 per K-.3 ADM which provides funding far 306 <br />teacher assistants. As ADM increases in an LEA, the teacher allotment is increased by the <br />state but the teacher assistant allocation will not keep pane at the present state funding level, <br />For exanzple, for every 18 students in ADM the state allots a teacher. The teacher assistant <br />dollar allotment is $15,953,94. The total cost for a teacher assistant with benefits is <br />$2.3,258. Therefore, DPS is underfunded by $7,.300 per position in this category, <br />The state funding also lags in the Non-Instructional Support areas (school support staff) as <br />well, making those staffing issues primarily a local fimding obligation. These support <br />1 <br />