Orange County NC Website
H. Vacancy Loss and Damage Claims <br />No Damage Claims <br />OCHCD will not make payments to the owner for any damages to the unit, or for any <br />other amounts owed by a family under the family's lease. <br />Vacancy Payment <br />If an assisted family vacates the contract unit leased by family, upon written request from <br />the owner, OCHCD agrees to continue Housing Assistance Payments to the owner from <br />the date the tenant moves out to the end of that month, <br />plus .30 days, i£ <br />I. The owner gives OCHCD prompt notice of the vacancy; <br />2, The vacancy is not the fault of the owner; and <br />3. The owner has taken every reasonable action to minimize the likelihood and <br />length of the vacancy. <br />Deadline for Requesting Reimbursement for Vacancy <br />To receive the vacancy payment described above, the owner must submit a written <br />request to OCHCD no later than one calendar quarter following the calendar quarter in <br />which the vacancy occurred. <br />I. Exit Vouchers <br />OCHCD shall not provide vouchers to families who move out of project-based units. <br />Exception: Original residents of buildings when the owner executes a contract for project <br />based assistance.. A farnily assisted with atenant-based voucher living in a building <br />identified for project-based assistance must surrender their tenant-based voucher when <br />the owner executes a contract to project-base a voucher for their unit. The family will be <br />offered atenant-based voucher at the point it moves out of the project-based building <br />provided it is still eligible for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (local preferences do <br />not apply), This provision applies only to original residents of a building who are <br />assisted by a voucher at the time a contract is first executed for project-based assistance <br />including their unit. <br />Families assisted by vouchers who choose to move into aproject-based property must <br />surrender their tenant-based voucher at the time they move in, and the voucher will not be <br />restored to them when they move out unless there is a voucher available to the family. <br />J. Tenant Selection: Waitine Lists <br />One waiting list will be maintained for both the Tenant Based and Voucher Based <br />Voucher Program.. <br />