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16 <br /> Theo Letman said some are currently funded, and items 1, 2 and 3 are proposed for <br /> funding. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the vanpool subsidy program, item 7, is a mobility-on- <br /> demand service. <br /> Theo Letman said yes, and this service is not currently funded. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the idea for a County Uber-type service as been floated <br /> around previously. He said he would like to know projected ridership numbers for some of the <br /> services, so the Board can evaluate the best way to use funding. He said he appreciates the <br /> report and the priority of providing useful transportation services, but wants to make sure <br /> ridership is being optimized, and the most residents being reached by the dollars available. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if any studies were done on an Uber-like service and the <br /> cost differences between on demand services versus County fleets. <br /> Theo Letman said the consultants looked into existing services as well as researching <br /> other entities that have greater mobility-on-demand services. He said comparisons were <br /> completed and can be brought the Board retreat later this week. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if there is a status update on the reverse circulator. <br /> Theo Letman said that is one of the items at the top of the list, and was strongly <br /> supported by staff with the consultants. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if there is a timeline. <br /> Theo Letman said hopefully this year. <br /> Chair Rich said there was a previous suggestion to run the service for a decent period of <br /> time (more than a month), and then evaluate the numbers. She said she even recalls the <br /> proposal of gathering numbers for a 2-year period. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the anticipated cost to the consumer can be researched to <br /> insure that low income residents can access the transportation. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he was not suggesting a private Uber-like service, but rather <br /> a County run model that was on demand and could be subsidized. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he would also like to know how the Department of Social <br /> Services (DSS) and the Health Department could play into offsetting the costs for lower income <br /> residents. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said the report discussed splitting the Hillsborough connector in <br /> two, and noted that some comments said this service is too slow, which affects ridership. She <br /> would like to weigh the cost of adding the additional drivers with the ridership numbers. <br /> Theo Letman said he can get this information. <br /> Commissioner Price the Hillsborough Circulator has been the topic of discussion for <br /> many years, and the issue is that it can take one 5 minutes to get from point A to B, but when <br /> one wants to go back home, it can take 55 minutes. <br /> b. GoTriangle Update on Transit Oriented Development Study <br /> The Board received a summary of information presented in the Transit Oriented <br /> Development Guidebook that illustrates development potential around the proposed Durham- <br /> Orange Light Rail Stations. <br /> Patrick McDonough, GoTriangle Manager of Planning and Transit-Oriented <br /> Development, reviewed the following information and PowerPoint presentation: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> This report will update the Board of Commissioners on the final product of an economic <br /> development and planning study related to development potential around the Durham-Orange <br /> Light Rail Stations. GoTriangle received a $1.7 million grant from the Federal Transit <br /> Administration (FTA) to help plan areas around the rail stations. <br />