Agenda - 09-21-2004-5k; VAD - Walters, Carl and Elizabeth
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
VAD/EVAD Agreements
Agenda - 09-21-2004-5k; VAD - Walters, Carl and Elizabeth
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c. Update on Proposed Agricultural Conservation Easements and USD ~~ <br />Grant Application <br />Earlier this .year Orange County in collaboration with the Orange NRCS/Soil and Water Conservation District <br />applied for $846,000 in federal grant funds from the USDA Farm and Ranch Land Preservation program (FRPP). <br />These funds are available to local governments and land trusts to acquire conservation easements that protect <br />prime agricultural lands. This is the third ,year funds have been available from the FRPP. In 2002, Orange County <br />was awarded $784,000 of the $2.1 million allocated fo N. C. Those funds are being used fo protect about 400 <br />acres of farmland in Bingham, Cheeks, and Gedar Grove townships. <br />Stancil reported that the Orange County's Lands Legacy Program has been awarded three <br />matching grants totaling $638,840 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm and Ranch <br />Lands Protection Program, The County had applied earlier this year for funds to help acquire <br />conservation easements on three local farms, The total acreage of these three easements is <br />expected to be around 500 acres. One of the farms in located in southwestern Orange <br />County; the other two farms are located in the north central part of the county. All of the farms <br />are evaluated by NRCS and County staff to ensure a history of good resource management <br />and active resource conservation plans. All three farms will be identified in the next few weeks <br />after owners are notified of the grant and other preliminary paperwork is filed, <br />Members discussed the time frame from the selection period until the actual payment and <br />asked about the total amount of protected farmland in the county. Stancil summarized the <br />approximate negotiation timetable between the different parties, He reviewed that since its <br />inception in April 2000, the Lands Legacy Program has protected 1,090 acres of land, with <br />another 300 acres pending acquisition, Of this amount, Lands Legacy holds seven <br />conservation easements totaling 369 acres, with another 263 acres in three additional <br />approved easements that are nearing completion, Of Lands Legacy's current and pending <br />easements, most are agricultural conservation easements designed to protect prime and <br />threatened farmland for future generations. The three new easements would bring the Lands <br />Legacy total to 1,853 acres, with 1,131 acres in easements. Members applauded the diligent <br />efforts by everyone in recruiting landowners to participate and in pursuing funding. <br />ITEM #5: ITEMS FOR DECISION <br />a. Walters VAD application <br />Staff reported the receipt of an application from the Walters to enlarge their <br />existing Voluntary Agricultural District with another adjacent tract, ERCD Staff has received <br />responses from the Tax Assessor and the Natural Resources Ganservation Service regarding <br />the application, and the tract in question meets the criteria for qualifying farmland, The next <br />step, subject to the review and approval of the APB, is for staff to submit the application before <br />the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration. Members commended the <br />Walters' desire to enlarge their existing district and their continued dedication to the <br />preservation of farmland in Orange County. <br />MOTION: Warren motioned approval and asked for staff to prepare a recommendation for the <br />BOCC for the establishment of a voluntary agricultural district, Seconded by Mandell and <br />Ranells, <br />VOTE: Unanimous, Walters recluses. <br />DRAP i August I8, 2004 Agricultural Preservation Doard Meeting Summary <br />
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