Orange County NC Website
16 <br />Wynn requested that the board try to reach out to the young farmers in Orange County and to discuss their needs <br />and ideas at a future meeting. Stancil suggested some type of panel discussion. Members agreed to think about <br />possible candidates and questions. Mandell suggested asking about students in the local high school agricultural <br />program "Future Farmers of America." <br />h. New Voluntary Agricultural Districts Brochure <br />At a previous meeting members approved the new VAD brochure for distribution, outreach efforts including <br />website availability, and distribution to other agricultural agency offices.. Trosclair noted that most brochure <br />display racks are designed to hold a tri-fold and asked that consideration be given to revising the brochure before <br />distributing it to other agricultural agency offices. <br />ITEM #6: ADJOURNMENT <br />Next meeting date February 15, 2006; 7:30 p.m. at the Planning & Agricultural Building on Revere Road. <br />MOTION: Morrow motioned to adjourn at 9:30 p m <br />VOTE: Unanimous approval.. <br />onnFr Jowarv iz. zooa Aoecwwrw w~servn~on eoam moony s~m~rv Page 3 of 3 <br />