Agenda - 02-09-2006-9a; VAD Ranells-Bergmann
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
VAD/EVAD Agreements
Agenda - 02-09-2006-9a; VAD Ranells-Bergmann
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growing issues associated with genetically modified crops, particularly the liability issues associated with seed 15 <br />drift. Mandell suggested that the information paper should include the following topics: <br />1. Changes in seed quality (genetically altered seeds;) <br />2. Corporate controls on organics (patents on seeds); <br />3 Need for local food standards rather than depending on national or other controls. <br />Kleese noted that there are liabilities related to organic and non-organic farming involving genetic drift from one <br />farm to another, He suggested that the county might wish to promote education on the liabilities platform-- <br />protecting any farmer who may wish to grow crops that are not genetically modified. Morrow cautioned the APB <br />on taking positions on political issues or on offering technical papers that ma.y be beyond their expertise. <br />Stancil asked for additional instruction on what to include in the "issue paper." Members focused on the liability <br />issues associated with seed drift. Mandell noted that there is frequent media coverage on this issue. Wynn <br />asked for clarification on the liability. Kleese explained that; when an organic farmer grows a certified organic <br />crop and a neighboring farm's genetic variety crop pollen blows over onto the organic crops, the organic farmer <br />looses market status value to sell his product in the organic market. The organic farmer might also be penalized <br />with accusations of falsely acquiring the genetic variety of seed. There needs to be recourse for farmers who <br />want to access the organic market to get damages if they are genetically trespassed upon. Jacobs pointed out <br />another liability issue for farmers is that seed companies could claim that they own your crops if they found their <br />genes in your field. <br />Kleese noted that the BOCC had adopted a resolution against the house bill that would prevent a county from <br />banning certain genetically engineered crops, The bill gave the authority to the state only. Modifications to the <br />bill included the formation of a study committee to uncover the facts. <br />Members agreed an information paper would be consistent with the APB 's mission but that a statement of <br />position or a recommendation paper would not. The issue paper was intended as an information <br />gathering/sharing document. Members discussed different views of the APB's role in advising the county <br />commissioners on this issue. Mandell suggested that the board would benefit from viewing the video, The Future <br />of Food. <br />Staff was instructed to draft appropriate awareness paper that speaks to the issue of farm liability threats for APB <br />discussion at a future meeting. <br />c. Agricultural Development and Farmland Enabling Act <br />At a previous meeting, members discussed that under the new VFPO ordinance, the board is made up of one <br />representative for each district, six at-large representatives and a BOCC liaison. There are currently vacancies <br />for the White Cross District, Cane CreeWt3uckhorn District and the Caldwell District as well as four at-large seats <br />with second terms coming to end. (Terms run for two appointments of three years each.) Members also <br />discussed contacting possible candidates to contact fo fill vacancies.. Stancil reviewed the new legislation (H <br />607), which could provide another tier to the VAD program. He asked members to think about possible aspects <br />for discussion at the next meeting. Members agreed to defer this item until a later time. <br />d. Agricultural Center Work Group status report <br />Kleese reported on the previous evening meeting with the Agricultural Center Work Group. The group is focusing <br />on identifying short-term goals and long-term goals for the farming community. Public outreach efforts are <br />planned for February 14 at the Agricultural Summit and for February 15 at the Southern Human Services Center. <br />The second forum will focus on collecting input from consumers in the southern part of the county. APB members <br />are encouraged to participate in both outreach sessicns, <br />e. February 14, 2006 Agricultural Summit <br />Kleese reported topics planned for the Agricultural Summit. Smithson Mills will be the keynote speaker and will <br />speak on value-added partnerships. Other topic include speakers on biodiesel, growing and marketing for new <br />specialty niche markets, and updates on local programs. Members were encouraged to attend the event, which <br />will be held at the usual location, the Schley Grange facility. <br />f, ChairlVice-Chair Elections in February <br />Stancil reminded the board that annual elections are scheduled for February ac <br />g. Joint meeting with young farmers to hear their needs and ideas <br />ow,F1 ~ao~ary ~z zooo aon~mrw vreservmion eoam mcaino summory Page 2 of 3 <br />
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