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13 <br />Hughes presented a PowerPoint presentation summarizing some of the programs administered by the Soil <br />and Water District Conservation Office. APB members asked questions throughout the presentation, as <br />appropriate. <br />c. Updates & Information Sharing <br />Due to the late hour, Moon provided following updates. Efforts toward implementing the first year action <br />strategies for the Agricultural Development and Farmland Protection Plan are underway. The Agricultural <br />Survey was mailed out and staff anticipates having most of the results tabulated in time for the next <br />meeting. One of the "low hanging fruit" items on the implementation schedule was to help spread. the word <br />about existing programs that support local farmers. Learning more about the work of the Soil and Water <br />Conservation District and other agricultural agencies (Farm Services, Cooperative Extension) is the first step <br />toward an outreach and education program. <br />Moon announced that the BOCC approved the APB's recommended amendments to the Voluntary Farmland <br />Protection Ordinance, which included provisions to establish Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural Districts. Moon <br />quickly went over the applications for VADs and the conservation agreement form for VADs to make sure <br />that all APB members, even those who are not enrolled in the program, are familiar with the forms and the <br />application process. <br />Due to the late hours, members agreed to postpone the remaining updates until the next meeting. <br />Green provided an update on his work with the Animal Services Advisory Board. Green reviewed the <br />County's Animal Control Ordinance and found some sections which could negatively impact local farmers. <br />One area, in particular, had to do with animals getting out of their enclosures. Green compared the County's <br />Ordinance with animal control ordinances from other jurisdictions and found most do not automatically <br />consider a "loose" animal as a nuisance and subject to fees, as Orange County's does. Green requested that <br />the Animal Services Advisory Board revise that section of the Ordinance; the Animal Services Advisory Board, <br />however, declined to make the change. Green asked for time on the June APB agenda to discuss the matter <br />and to determine if the APB would like to consider preparing a statement. <br />ITEM# 7: INFORMATIONAL ITEMS/FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS <br />Handouts were provided at the meeting <br />ITEM #8: ADJOURNMENT <br />Thompson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Kleese seconded the motion. The meeting was <br />adjourned at 9:45 p.m. <br />Next meeting scheduled for June 16, 2010, in the John Link Conference Room. <br />May 19, 2010 Draft Meeting Summary 2 <br />