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~5 <br />program. Green seconded the motion. The APB voted unanimously to recommend Maple View Farm for the <br />Voluntar~Agricultural District program. <br />Staff to forward the APB's recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. <br />ITEM #6: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br />a. Conversations with Conventional Farmers <br />Staff provided a quick review of the APB's interest in talking with conventional farmer-s. Members were <br />encouraged to continue seeking conversations with conventional farmers using a number of prepared <br />questions. The questions were designed to help the APB target their efforts over the upcoming year, <br />particularly with regard to the potential joint meeting with the Economic Development Commission. <br />b. Farmer Welcome Kit <br />The APB read through the draft brochure that was revised based on discussion-at the last meeting. <br />Members agreed on the overall content. Ranells asked about the use of bullets instead of text in the <br />sections that explained the different agencies. Members suggested trying the current brochure far a while <br />and then updating it in the fature depending on user feedback. Members liked having local phone numbers <br />and address information in addition to Internet finks. Members also exprESSed the importance of having <br />something in hand (a brochure) with names and addresses as a starting point or checklist. APB members <br />asked staff to distribute the brochure to departments and agencies that work with farmers and to place a pdf <br />version on the County's website. Staff will continue to draft a list of additional information such as farm <br />equipment repair shops, for inclusion on the Orange County Farms website. <br />c. Annual Work Plan & Upcoming Projects <br />Staff provided a quick summary of the history of advisory boards preparation of annual reports to the BOCC. <br />Reports include the board's mission statement, a brief summary of the board's accomplishments for the year <br />and an outline of what the board hopes to accomplish during the next year. The BOCC will review the <br />reports during its winter retreat. Staff shared a summary table outlining the APB's efforts toward <br />implementing the Agricultural chapter of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, to assist with the APB's preparation <br />of the annual report. Members went through the table and offered feedback on their recommendations for <br />next steps for each of the Agricultural Chapter objectives. <br />d. Updates & Information Sharing <br />1. Agri-tourism <br />Ranells and Matyac shared information on a new partnership with the Orange County-Chapel Hill Visitor <br />Bureau to develop coordinated agricultural tourism for rural Orange County. <br />2. Piedmont Value-Added Processing Center <br />Ranells announced the date for the opening of the new Piedmont Value-Added Processing Center, and <br />provided information on the training process for using the new center. Additional information on processing <br />center and the Piedmont Grown branding program can be found at the Orange County Economic <br />Development website. http•//www co orange nc us/ecodev/Agriculture.asp <br />3. Economic Development Commission <br />Ranells updated the APB on the status the Economic Development Commission. <br />4. Sustainable Agriculture Conference <br />Ranells and-Moon shared information about the upcoming Sustainable Agriculture Conference and <br />encouraged members to attend some or all of the programs. <br />ITEM# 7: INFORMATIONAL ITEMS/FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS <br />Handouts at the meeting <br />ITEM #8: ADJOURNMENT <br />E. Walters made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dickinson seconded the motion. The August 17, 2011 <br />meeting of the Agricultural Preservation Board adjourned at 9:23 p.m. <br />Next meeting scheduled for September 21, 2011. The meeting will be held in the small Conference Room in <br />the Environment and Agricultural Center. <br />August 17, 2011 DRAFT Minutes 2 <br />