Orange County NC Website
38 <br /> CONSERVATION AGREEMENT DETAIL of VAD and EVAD: <br /> Voluntary Agricultural District(VAD) conservation agreements are for a period of ten <br /> years. The landowner may revoke the agreement through a written request to the Orange <br /> County Agricultural Preservation Board, A Conservation Agreement for land within a <br /> Voluntary Agricultural District shall be automatically renewed for an additional term of ten <br /> years unless either the Agricultural Preservation Board or the landowner(s) gives written <br /> notice to the contrary prior to the termination date of the Conservation?Agreement. At the <br /> end of each ten-year term, the Conservation Agreement shall automatically renew for an <br /> additional ten-year term unless notice of termination is given. <br /> Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural District(EVAD)conservation agreements are for a <br /> period of ten years, but cannot be revoked during the term of the agreement. EVAD <br /> enrollment, however, offers landowners additional benefits such as a higher percentage of <br /> cost-share funds under the Agricultural Cost Share Program. A Conservation Agreement for <br /> an Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural District shall be deemed automatically renewed for an <br /> additional term of three years unless either the Agricultural Preservation Board or the <br /> landowner(s)gives written notice to the contrary prior to the termination date of the <br /> Conservation Agreement. At the end of each three-year term the Conservation Agreement <br /> shall automatically renew for an additional three-year term unless notice of termination is <br /> given. <br /> I [We] have read the Conservation Agreement details above and I [we] understand the <br /> benefits of the VAD and/or Eny"'M SIGNATURE DATE fb+ Z1-206 <br /> -1 [WE]ARE SEEKING DESIGNATION AS A VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT <br /> l [WE]ARE SEEKING DESIGNATION AS AN ENHANCED VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT <br /> OWNERS] CERTIFICATION: <br /> I [We], the applicant[s] and landowner(s), hereby certify that, to the best of my[our] <br /> knowledge, the foregoing applicatio incomplete and accurate. <br /> Signature: Date: I'S— <br /> Signature: ( -✓t, .. , <br /> Date: <br /> Signature: Date: <br /> Signature: Date: �. <br /> Signature: Date: <br /> Signature: Date: <br /> Signature: Date: <br />