Orange County NC Website
37 <br /> Supplemental Information on Irvin Farm Nature Preserve <br /> Irvin Farm Nature Preserve was willed to the Triangle Land Conservancy who took <br /> ownership of the property in 2007. Since then, TLC has leased approximately 5 acres to the <br /> organization, Transplanting Traditions, who manage a CSA farm for refugees from Burma. <br /> They grow traditional Asian fruits and vegetables, as well as crops more typical to the <br /> piedmont region of NC. More information on their group can be found by visiting <br /> <br /> The remainder of the property is in open fields which are managed for future ag expansion, <br /> as well as managed open space for wildlife habitat. There are approximately 20 acres that <br /> make up this type of land on the property. The last 240 is mixed pine/hardwood forest which <br /> has been thinned in the past and is managed to be converted into an oak/hickory hardwood <br /> forest. <br /> TLC owns and manages this land and it will be in conservation in perpetuity. If you have any <br /> questions, feel free to contact Kyle Obermiller through email at kobermillerra)-triangleland.orq, <br /> or phone at 919-908-0061. <br />